Is it just ME?

It can’t just be me!

I have been eating healthy, tracking calories and working out, and it’s ALL I think about! Here I am, at work with an inbox full of just that, WORK but what am I doing??? …not working!

I workout in the morning, and all thru the day I think about how awesome it was. I go home, and think about how awesome the next morning’s workout is going to be. My goal is to be in bed by 9pm as my days start at 3:30am. I usually meet my goal HOWEVER I lay there thinking about what I ate, and what I plan to eat the following day, working out, not getting enough sleep and the past few nights I’ve been updating my workout playlist. Drift off to sleep around 11ish and wake up before the alarm thinking I overslept. I am obsessed and it is taking over my life!



  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Ha ha I can't say that I am that obsessive with my weight loss :wink: But do I think you are alone? No. It seems that for the last year that is the bulk of what I talk about with my best friend... my mom... my inlaws... strangers hahahaaha It's great to keep thinking and talking, it keeps you excited! Good for you!!!:flowerforyou:
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    Do you have an addictive/obsessive personality? Some people do and it isn't a "bad" thing per se, as it is likely a contributing factor to your success (referring to life in general).

    Where you have to be careful is in areas that could be potentially harmful. I don't think being obsessed with working out and dieting is harmful, unless it becomes unhealthy. Maybe you need to take a breather from things. Maybe a weekend getaway might help.

    I was feeling the same way and overdoing things a bit, but I took a weekend away and now I am motivated and feeling a little less obsessed because I got so many compliments on how great I look. So now I am feeling like what I am doing is paying off and I don't feel so much pressure to make an impact. I feel that I am doing my very best, I am seeing results, and I just want to keep at it.

    So after a weekend of indulgence in AC, I am back to healthy eating and working out at the gym every day.

    Good luck with everything!
  • MichkaMeShell
    MichkaMeShell Posts: 34 Member
    Something I had to tell myself recently. People with beautiful bodies work on their bodies ALL the time. I see hard bodies talk about their workouts consistently or how much protein they ate or when their next shake will be. They're at the gym a lot because they're thinking about their bodies a lot.

    I spent a lot of my time NOT worrying about my body at all. Thus, my body shows it.

    People with great bodies think about their bodies all the time; it requires constant upkeep. When you're not considering your body and what you're putting into it or how you're going to work it out, then it'll just do what it wants to all the crap you're putting into it!

    So, you're not alone at all. I've been obsessing constantly about what I will do next with my work-in-progress body. It's what it takes to achieve a certain health or physical appearance. You body is something that requires constant upkeep in order to maintain it's appearance and functionality.

    I've made this my new goal. I WILL worry about my body and how I treat it.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I've been rather obsessive since I joined MFP, but for once this diet and exercise thing is actually working. When it gets to be a chore, I'll back off, but for now it's fun, exciting, and helpful. I'm going to ride the high while it lasts. Enjoy yourself and try not to burn out!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    You know, when I started this journey a long time ago, that obsessive thinking helped me drop 60lbs! Then I lost it.

    It used to drive me crazy. All I could think about was food and exercise, it was all I talked about (probably driving people around me nuts)...but it kept me motivated and it kept me doing what I needed to. Now I'm trying to get that obsession back! :tongue:

    Hopefully I'll lose some of the weight I gained when my focus was on everything else in life BUT weight loss. *sigh*
  • So....i dont understand. Are you complaining about it....because you seem to be losing weight. Explain...:)
  • GeminiFairy89
    GeminiFairy89 Posts: 45 Member
    Ive been there, and still am sometimes. Just know that you are doing a great job and believing in yourself.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    So....i dont understand. Are you complaining about it....because you seem to be losing weight. Explain...:)

    she said it is becoming an OBSESSION.

    i get anxiety over it if i don't log what i eat. it is not good.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have been OBSESSED!! No Lie.. I track everything.. i weight myself all the time ( knowing not to track that every day, just once a week) I am constantly looking at calories.. worrying about my next meal.. or tomorrows meal.. it never ends.. Today I am giving my body a rest from working out, but I already KNOW I am going to feel so guilty about it later.. and may even go on my stationary bike anyway.. It's my life.. lmao.. this whole thing had changed me 100% and I have only lost 8 lbs!
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    This can be a big change for a lot of people. Some of us here have a little to lose, some of us have a lot to lose, but for each person this usually entails changing the way we live our lives. Habits must be broken, choices must be decided upon, and planning ahead for our activities and meals is usually something most of us start out regulating fairly closely.

    However, it is not healthy to have a single thing consume your life even if it's meant to be something healthy. An obsession, no matter if it's meant to be about keep ourselves healthy, can become incredibly destructive. It's natural to worry sometimes, and to be concerned that you're not getting the progress you want but if it becomes something that's all consuming and begins to rule over your life to where you can no longer sleep and function at work...that's not so normal.

    Here's a poignant look into one young woman's struggle with exercise bulimia;
    This isn’t your typical before and after. This shows me at 98 lbs with exercise bulimia, and at 105 lbs after figuring out how to be healthy. This is the difference between unhealthy and healthy, between hating myself and loving myself, between destroying my body and treating it like a temple. I don’t want anyone to ever look at this picture and think that the before is something to strive for, because trust me, it isn’t
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I've been like that. When I started I didn't have much else going on. I had just finished school and hadn't found a job yet, and I was super obsessed because it was all I had. Now I'm not as bad, but I do spend a lot of time thinking about when I'm gonna eat for the rest of the day and the next day...
  • leidgreen
    leidgreen Posts: 42 Member
    :blushing: Wow! Overwhelmed by the responses! Aside from being assertive in business, I spend much of my time in the shadows, so to get all this input is amazing. I didn’t intend to sound as if I am complaining; I guess its just strange going from one end of the spectrum to the other. Wondering when the ‘new car smell’ is going to wear off.
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    :blushing: Wow! Overwhelmed by the responses! Aside from being assertive in business, I spend much of my time in the shadows, so to get all this input is amazing. I didn’t intend to sound as if I am complaining; I guess its just strange going from one end of the spectrum to the other. Wondering when the ‘new car smell’ is going to wear off.

    Hopefully it won't wear off! Keep it up and stay motivated. That is what MFP is here for!