College Student

Hey everyone! So in high school I could eat candy, chips and taco bell for every meal and lose 10 pounds! Once I hit college I kept my same habits and went from 105 to 147 in two years. I can't let this get any farther so I just joined and have started eating frits, veggies, lean meats and hittin up the gym! If anyone has any advice or encouragement it would be greatly appreciated. Im just not used to having to worry about weight or buy bigger clothes and all that!


  • sowonderfultonight
    I feel your painnnn. When I was a pre-teen, I had muscles like crazy, no fat, nothing. It was amazing. I could eat anything and always looked like I worked out, even as a child. (It was strange, actually. You could see my biceps in pictures when I was like...8.) Then my teenage years came, and I slowly but surely started gaining weight. It got even worse when I started college a couple years ago. I've popped up to 160lbs, and I'm doneee with it. I turn 19 this year, and I'd like to feel comfortable with my body for the first time since, ya'know, childhood.

    As for advice, just STICK WITH IT. My weight has been up and down a couple times in the past, and the ONLY time i can ever lose ANY weight is when I work out frequently and write down EVERYTHING I eat. No cheating!!! The more you write down, the better your eating habits will be. Actually having to record your meals will amaze you with how much unhealthy junk you're consuming. Right now, I'm 159lbs since starting MFP. That's under 160 for the first time in over a year. Tracking your food WORKS. Just stay motivated. I wish you the best of luck!

    ((Though to be quite honest, I still think you look gorgeous in your pics. xD ))
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 169
    Although it's my first year still I started quite large and just felt terrible about myself. I wanted to beat the freshman 15 so I now go to the gym regularly, strength train, and try my best to eat well! Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • arserine
    arserine Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a college student too, but I've always struggled with my weight. Try to just focus on getting through each day eating well and exercising. Feel free to add me for support and encouragement!
  • QueenCatlady09
    QueenCatlady09 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone! I legit almost decided to skip the gym today because I was feeling a little blah today, but then I stepped on the scale and realized I have lost 2 pounds in 5 days since I started! Now I'm totally heading to the gym because I can't stop now! I'm actually feeling skinnier just knowing that I'm eating healthy! I'm hoping I can keep this up! I'm confused about the net calories and earning more with exercise but I'm just guestimating haha