Ideas, suggestions? much as i feel stupid posting this because of what's in my food diary-here goes..Most of the time I am doing this I am under on many things. Sometime sodium is over while other days it's others. I started logging my food to see what I was eating and drinking in a day. I am as honest as one could be when it comes to this. I do my best log anything and everything. I have increased my protien intake while cutting back on my sugar--BIG TIME! I don't eat meat or fish or consume dairy. Here's the problem. I have lost nothing!! I am not looking to lose a bunch of weight as I am 5'4 134ish with a muscular build but I would like to get around 125-128. I have had my body fat tested with a scanner and I am at 15.5. I want to be able to enjoy a drink or two when I want and an occasional treat because I do work so hard at the gym-could this really be what my problem is?? My weight is fluctuating 5+ pounds per week. Because of where I am, could it be much harder for me to make a change?I have lost an inch on my waist & hips. I teach fitness classes so I am in the gym a lot too. Suggestions, please be HONEST because I am thinking it's my indulgences with a little over training that is doing it. I just hate to admit it :)