Off track and needing support!

Hey everyone, I'm Nat!

I haven't been using MFP properly for a while and since getting a new job, my exercise regime has gone horribly wrong. I'd really like to get some friends on here so we can support each other and help me get back on track!

I've been up and down with weight loss all my life and I've had enough and just want to start living a healthy life for good now, and stop letting old habits creep back into my life. I'm 19 years old and I'm at university as well as having a part time job. Since initially starting to use MFP I've lost 10 pounds but every time I slip, I gain about 2 pounds give-or-take and then loose it again- a vicious cycle.

So I'm 5ft 5in and now 198 pounds- I've got a long way to go. If anyone out there is in a similar place, I'd appreciate it if we could add each other for some much needed encouragement :)


  • rachaellynn91
    I'm 5'9 but I'll friend ya its always good to have friends on here to push each other! :)
  • Natmooo
    Natmooo Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you, always good to meet new people :)
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi, im 5'6, im always on the wagon, then i fall off and i get bac on then i fall off and, yes the cycle continues! I have just invested in p90x and hope to start that monday! you can add me if you like!
  • zumbaabby
    zumbaabby Posts: 59
    I feel ya! i started do extra-curriculars at my job, which caused me to go from eating pretty decently everyday and working out 5-6 days a week, to only working out two days a week and eating a lot of fast food. My house and my job are not in the same town, so most times I would waste time at like walmart and then eat fast food and then go interpret soccer...packed on like 15 pounds real quick like. :( trying hard now to get back into cooking and working out more! feel free to add me if you would like!
  • scargnar
    scargnar Posts: 4
    wow, we really sound like we're in the same boat here. i also just started a new job (this is my first semester out of school), and it's thrown things way off, now i'm up three pounds from my low and just feeling discouraged.

    i'm going to add you as a friend. we're almost the same age, too. best of luck getting back on track, i know i'm looking forward to it! i miss feeling good about my progress even though it's only been a few weeks, hahah!
  • vamomma4
    vamomma4 Posts: 3
    It's great that you are catching yourself before things go crazy out of control. Dieting and maintaining afterward are so tough. But, you sound like someone that can do it!!!! You go to school AND have a job. That's great. Write down your goals and place them somewhere like your mirror so you can see them every day. Keep the eye on the prize! I do mean the cute buy in class not the cupcakes! My son is in great shape, but he even has a picture of his goal body. Reward yourself with a pedicure or something fun for just making it through a day if you need to! It's hard, but let me tell you as a mom of 4 who's always been overweight, its even harder as you get older. Teach yourself, be good to yourself by eating well, and enjoy every day!
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I'm on the saaaaameeee cycle, ugh! Adding!