Need advice, nearing blackouts during exercise

takirb Posts: 14 Member
So today is the 2nd workout session in a row that I had to call it quits before I was completely done with my routine at the gym. My workout routine is this -

Mon/Wed/Fri - elliptical for 45min, typically burning 500 calories or so
Tues/Thur - Weight lifting for an hour and a half during lunch break
Sat/Sun - both elliptical and weights, or one then the other depending on time available

Just yesterday, I was 37 min into my cardio, when I suddenly felt really weak and my vision seemed to get weak too. Fearing a blackout while mid-stride in a crowded gym, I immediately stopped and sat there in disappointment as i clearly wasn't too "tired" to finish. Then today, on my last set of my last exercise (triceps), I felt weak again just like yesterday and had to stop. Both times I've made sure my breathing was controlled, as i originally thought I wasn't breathing enough or maybe too much. Breathing had no effect on the weak feeling.

I'm 32yrs old, 205-208lbs, and have been doing this routine for nearly 3 weeks now. I stopped smoking 6 weeks ago, and figured I'd ride this "health train" far as I could, hence the gym time. I used MFP to lose almost 30lbs before, by cutting calories and the same elliptical routine, and never had this problem. I pigged out on food tonite thinking maybe I wasn't eating enough, cause I'm actually worried about my cardio session coming up tomorrow. Anyone got any advice as to what Im doing or not doing correctly? Should i be downing a protein shake or something before the gym, energy bars, or? I believe my food and exercise plans are available to public in my profile if anyone cares to eyeball my diet for lack of vital foods


  • suzibanshee
    suzibanshee Posts: 62 Member
    From looking at your diary, you're not eating enough. I would talk to a doctor if I were you.