sickness... :(

LoveLife8888 Posts: 28
edited December 2024 in Food and Nutrition
i was wondering if any of you knew of any foods (or anything) that can help with sickness. i have tons of homework and have been working alot. sleep has not been a high priority and i dont have time until after this weekend. is there anything i can do or eat to help me start feeling better or boost my immune system???


  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    vitamins, water with honey and lemon?
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    What kind of sickness?
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Well first off I hope you are not like me and continue to workout while being sick. as it will seriously only prolong your sickness.. and hurt ur efforts to losing weight. also, I guess just drink some hot green tea with honey or without the honey..
    Pure Orange juice or Oranges work well too..
    And If you must workout, be smart I wish I was.. and just go LIGHT.. maybe take a walk or sumthing like that..

    Im still sick and its been 10 days =s no fun and its my fault for continuing to workout non stop hard for 7days and no rest day.. so I def. learned and I am taking a full wk off to recover completely :) HOPE I HELPED U SOME

  • I drink echinacea tea from Traditional Medicinals (you can buy it at the grocery store) and put some raw honey in it. Vitamin C seems to help me also when I'm feeling run down. They also make echinacea and vitamin c supplements you can take (I get them from the drug store).

    feel better!
  • Jeliwood
    Jeliwood Posts: 61
    Oranges are good for your immune system, and the smell might settle your stomach. Peppermint or mint of any kind is good for sickness. Ginger, ginger ale or ginger tea is good to settle stomachs. That's what they recommend to pregnant woman during morning sickness.

    Honestly, I'd just recommend eating an orange, drinking some tea, and going to bed. Honestly, I know it seems really important but if you're making yourself sick it's not. Ask for extensions on your homework if at all possible and take a day off to work on it if you can't. Stress is not worth it. It'll kill you quicker than the candy can.

    Good luck!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    If you were to state what kind of sickness you are suffering from, it really might make a difference with the replies. I certainly wouldn't recommend the same kinds of foods for a GI upset that I would for a cold.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Vitamin C is a big one for immunity. Also consider that two hours of study or work while you are refreshed is worth six hours while tired.. A bus driver at my school a few weeks back really wanted to finish a woodworking project... It could not wait til morning. Imagine how much faster he could have finished that project with 10 fingers the next moning than the 7.5 fingers he had left that evening (which suddenly, finishing that project was not so important after all that night by the way)... OK this is a bit dramatic I'll admit but I cannot count the times I have worked for hours past what I should on a computer ... only to forget to save the file and have the computer crash and lose hours of work... because I was fatigued. Only you know your schedule but consider rest a priority!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    In general - fresh fruit and veggies have lots of vitamins and minerals and can help you stay healthy.
    I've read that chicken soup is very good for you when you have a cold - it's not just an old wives tale!
    Hot lemon drinks (I like lemon and ginger tea) are great when you are stuffed up in the head.
    Ginger is good for an unsettled stomach.
    Drinking lots of water is good for anything.
    Sleep is important for everything, especially healing.
    Hang in there :smile"
  • im pretty sure im getting strep. :(
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    im pretty sure im getting strep. :(
    The only thing that's gonna cure that is antibiotics. There is no magic food that will cure Strep.
  • lastspen
    lastspen Posts: 106 Member
    Cod Liver Oil Tablets have been my savior in boosting my immune system. I used to get sick every other month but I haven't been sick once this year.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    You need to get to the doctor, sweetie. I had the worst case of it I've ever had this year ... a mini-epidemic hit my classroom. It was so bad I couldn't swallow and was almost hospitalized. Take care of yourself, take the anti-biotics you will get from the doctor and drink lots of fluids. I wouldn't work out. GIve your poor body a rest. I hope you feel better asap!!!!!
  • rave7278
    rave7278 Posts: 10
    Garlic, Honey and Lemon, it was a home remedy that my mother gave me when I was little at the start of a cold or sore throat
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