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Found this site purely by accident. Nice layout for tracking weight loss. Too bad it wasn't there when I was in the process.
I went down from 215 to 160, 16 years ago, watching calorie & fat intake. I did it in 5 months. Have kept it off for the most part. Recently, I was "back up" to 172. Didn't like it, so this time a friend suggested I give up all processed carbs... Worked for him and another friend (they lost a combined 50# [and they weren't that big to begin with]). So, I tried it starting at the end of February, and guess what? I'm down to 152. 20#'s off in 2+ months. Not bad. To stay here, it's adopting another mindset.
No more processed carbs!


  • demelza123
    demelza123 Posts: 66 Member
    That is great stuff, you are one determined & focused individual. Our landscape is full of processed carbs and foods in general and it is very difficult to navigate yourself around it all, especially with kids. What is the secret to your success? And, what was the most difficult thing to give up?
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    yes, I am determined to stick with this newer way of eating.
    What was hardest? Pasta (used to eat it 4 or 5 times a week, I now substitute that with tofu or spaghetti squash), those bagels I'd eat at a local coffee shop I frequented (which I don't as much now). Instead, I only get the tea with a little honey in it. The place is full of bread and processed carbs. I just know if I start eating them, I'll go back up.

    I don't have experience with kids (I'm single). They (at least I was... so are my nephews) are finicky eaters. Their pallets are being modeled by whatever they're getting. If it's been treats like mcdonalds milkshakes, they're going to expect that (or comparable bad stuff)
    If you had a choice of giving them cheez-its, crackers, etc (which are convenient & taste mighty good) and raw nuts, I'd give them the raw nuts. You could also do this with carrot pieces, apple slices, blueberries. There are options to bad food, but the kids might not like it as much as you would like them to. Nice finger food :)

    Our food habits are based on convenience. Convenience has made many of us lazy. and overweight
    It's music to the ears of Big Ag and the Medical Industry. I don't play that game. One way to stay healthy is to eat healthy.

    thanks for asking :)