Gluten Free Diet



  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I am gluten intolerant and stopped gluten 3 months ago and noticed a huge change. Less bloat, NO MORE IBS!!, less aches, clearer thinking, etc. I suffered from TMJ and IBS for years and haven't had a problem since removing gluten.

    When I eat just a bit of gluten, I feel like shet again.

    Udi's brand for breads is pretty tasty. I love that brand.
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    I also have Crohn's and have had to eliminate gluten from my diet. If you don't HAVE to do it for health reasons, I wouldn't do it.
  • I don't have celiac disease and I love gluten-free products. I find I am so MUCH less bloated when I eat gluten free bread. I honestly don't know exactly what foods I eat contain gluten - but I do know that on days I don't eat the obvious gluten stuff (bread, pasta, etc.) and replace them with gluten free products, I FEEL better and lose weight more efficiently! I only wish they weren't so expensive...!

    Since you don't have celiac disease - maybe instead of doing a gluten free diet (kind of restrictive) you could just try incorporating more gluten free products into your diet?
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed with CD, but am definitely gluten intolerant. That stuff messes up my digestive system big time so I finally learned to stay the heck away from it. I feel much better and have ended up actually enjoying my new food choices. You might try eliminating gluten for a month to see if it makes any difference for you. Some people seem to have no problem with it at all, and if you can get away with it, it makes your life a whole lot easier. I'm not one of those lucky people, lol.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    I try to stay away from the stuff but I don't avoid it all together. Sometimes you've just got to have a nice sandwich


    Udi's Gluten free bread makes a great sandwich!! :smile:
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    My son is gluten intolerant so I went gluten free and felt so much better after I did. Can I explain the exact reason? Nope! I just think foods without gluten are easier to digest. Now that it's been a while I also notice I try foods I normally would not have since having to be creative in my choices, mostly with different kinds of flours like coconut and nut flours. My advice to anyone wishing to try it is to just do it and see how you feel! I noticed a huge difference in my son after I removed it so I'll never go back. Everyone is different though so you won't know until you try! :flowerforyou:
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    In my opinion I'd say you shouldn't do it. Being gluten free doesn't necessarily make you healthier. Your "diet" should just be whatever is healthiest for you. But i think making some things gluten free is fine, like deserts and maybe some pastas, but don't restrict yourself all the time.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    For me I was living in a fog for years and didn't know the difference until I found out I was sensitive to gluten...not celiac. I do my best to avoid it at all times, but when I do slip up I pay with a headache the next day. No harm to try it and see how it affects you. After finding gluten free products that I like, I now enjoy all the same things I always ate before. I really don't see how it is more calories, at least not what I buy. It works for me!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I removed grains and most processed foods from my basic diet - so I pretty much live a gluten free lifestyle by choice...

    I think there is a difference - I gave up grains and processed foods because I wanted to not because I have a dietary issue with if I do indulge in something once in a blue moon that has some form of gluten as an ingrediate I don't sweat it

    If you are thinking of going with a gluten free way of eating but that means simply replacing things like breads, snacks, pastas, sweets with a "gluten free" version it probably isn't going to do anything more then make your wallet a little bit lighter - since most gluten free versions still have the same basic calories, fat, protien, vitamins and minerals that the regular version does, just costs more
  • hollyamac
    hollyamac Posts: 2
    I have Chrone's disease as well, and recently gave up most gluten foods. My celiac test came back normal, but I get extremely sick if I eat foods containing a lot of gluten. I can't say I've noticed any weight difference being off of it, but I do feel better so I am able to exercise more and be more active.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I try to stay away from the stuff but I don't avoid it all together. Sometimes you've just got to have a nice sandwich


    this is exactly what I meant, people say they are gluten free but then eat it when it gets too hard grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Gives the impression that 'a litlle bit of gluten' wont hurt a coeliac when it can actually make them VERY ill!!!

    I'm not a coeliac, so i can eat the stuff but I still try to avoid it. But they do make some decent gluten free bread. I don't have any food allergies and other than the extra lbs I'm very healthy but that still doesn't stop me from trying to make better food choices. I try to eat mainly lean meats and fruits and veggies.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Udi's Gluten free bread makes a great sandwich!! :smile:

    Udi's is delicious! I like buying Pamela's bread mixes and making my own.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I totally don't get why anyone who has no medical reason to do so would go gluten free. Cut down carbs maybe, but going gluten free is ridiculous if you dont need to and it has NO weight loss benefits whatsoever.
    Some people may lose, but that is generally from being forced into a healthier way of eating, which you can do just as well while eating gluten.
    If you suspect you are gluten sensitive, you should continue to eat normally until you have seen you Dr, as cutting out gluten too early can affect the test results.

    My sister is coeliac and I am partly diagnosed, it makes your life much more compliacted having to check the ingredients for everything, you cant eat at your favourite restaurants in case the food has been contaminated with gluten from other dishes, gluten free food is generally WAY more expensive than normal food.
    Also it gives restarants the wrong idea about what is acceptable for someone with a genuine gluten intolerance - it is vital that food places are aware how serious this can be, and people playing at being gluten free and not asking restaurants to be so strict gives the impression that coeliac disease is just being 'picky' with your food, when in fact accidentally eating gluten can make a person with coeliac diease seriously ill - I have heard of people being glutened as the chef thought it was just another fad and they were being fussy rather than having a medical condition!!!!

    I am going to disagree with you. It may not be for weight loss, but it can be for overall relief of discomfort which can make all the difference in the world. I voluntarily went GF and felt great. And you don't have to run out and buy GF foods when you can just eat clean.

    If it causes discomfort then obviously the person has some degree of intolerance so going gf is sensible in those circumstances.
    My post was directed more towards the people who do it just because they think they will lose weight, or do it part time like the guy with the sandwich.
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I plan to test out gluten free soon. There are multiple reasons why someone might want to and these are the ones I am aware of:

    - celiac disease
    - chrone's disease
    - gluten sensitivity/allergy
    - wheat allergy
    - reducings carbohydrates

    reducing carbs is not a valid reason to go gluten free, it is in a LOT of foods, not only ones that are high in carbs. Its totally unneccesary unless you have a medical reason to do so.

    I didn't say I was trying to cut carbs but if I do cut out gluten/wheat I am pretty sure that would be an indirect consequence. Why do you care so much if someone wants to experiment with diet sensitivities?
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I plan to test out gluten free soon. There are multiple reasons why someone might want to and these are the ones I am aware of:

    - celiac disease
    - chrone's disease
    - gluten sensitivity/allergy
    - wheat allergy
    - reducings carbohydrates

    reducing carbs is not a valid reason to go gluten free, it is in a LOT of foods, not only ones that are high in carbs. Its totally unneccesary unless you have a medical reason to do so.

    I can see doing low carb. But I can't have gluten for the next year (I have a mild intolerance to it and my liver has decided to take a little vacation from working at the moment ) and seriously, gluten is in soooooo much stuff. And gluten free stuff RARELY tastes as good as the normal stuff.

    I agree that Gluten free bread rarely tastes good unless toasted, gluten free crackers are meh, gluten free pasta is ok, but not great. Not to mention things like soy-sauce (things that are cooked with soy sauce), imitation crab, burgers, anything processed, marinades, and so many other things that you have to be careful of. Going out to eat is a nightmare.

    Unless you have a medical reason there is no reason to go gluten free.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I plan to test out gluten free soon. There are multiple reasons why someone might want to and these are the ones I am aware of:

    - celiac disease
    - chrone's disease
    - gluten sensitivity/allergy
    - wheat allergy
    - reducings carbohydrates

    reducing carbs is not a valid reason to go gluten free, it is in a LOT of foods, not only ones that are high in carbs. Its totally unneccesary unless you have a medical reason to do so.

    I didn't say I was trying to cut carbs but if I do cut out gluten/wheat I am pretty sure that would be an indirect consequence. Why do you care so much if someone wants to experiment with diet sensitivities?

    Because as I said earlier, my sister is coeliac, I am part diagnosed and people saying they are gluten free but then eating it sometimes gives the impression that it's just a 'fad diet', restaurants don't take it seriously when we ask for meals to be gluten free and then end up being ill.
    I have seen how hard it is and don't see why anyone would do it if they don't HAVE to.

    Also..... Cutting out gluten can sometimes cause you to become more sensitive to it when you do eat it, so what starts out as choosing not to eat it as a 'diet' can end in you having to not eat it for life, not something I'd want to risk happening!!
  • hi I have ceoliac diease and i had same problem with bread and trying to find a good one, i now get 8 loaves of Glutafin fresh white bread once a month on prescription and its lovely, 1st time i had it as a sandwich my thoughts were wow this is lovely soft and fresh. you must try it if u can
  • Although I have not been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I was having horrific problems with my intestinal track. I decided to see if gluten was the problem, since I have tried different things without any relief. Once I cut out the gluten, I started feeling better and was actually feeling and sounding like my old self. I wasn't in pain all of the time. It was a big adjustment for me because the rest of my family eats breads, pizzas, pastas and such. I have found white corn tortillas that I can use instead of bread. I also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, fresh pineapple, salads, strawberries, broccoli and the like. I am feeling so much better that I can actually function without the intestinal issues getting in the way. I also eat a lot of chicken, I occasionally have venison, turkey, beef and pork. I have found that Greek Yogurt has alot of protein in it, and gluten free as well. My supermarket here in Syracuse, NY is Wegmans, and they have really great products. They label their items for people with allergies. If the package has a small G on the front, it is considered Gluten Free. They have a Raspberry Truffle Ice Cream (light) that is my favorite. I like it when the stores clearly mark the makes it easier.

    It is hard at the beginning, but if it makes you feel better, then it may be a lifestyle that you can adapt to. There are so many fruits and vegetables that are naturally gluten free.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I went GF back in 2009, voluntarily. My stomach felt great. No pain, no gas, no bloating. And I didn't gain weight either. I don't have to have GF bread or GF pasta. I just cut those out, wasn't a big deal.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I have a gluten intolerance that seems to wax and wane a bit (I have IBS as well and so far haven't been diagnosed much past that). Before I was pregnant the stuff would mess me up. Then during my pregnancy I felt completely normal (which is good considering I survived half my pregnancy on pretzels and toast lol). Since then I've been able to tolerate bread a little better but have started having more bowel issues so I cut back on it and noticed a difference. I have gone completely GF before and it was NOT EASY! It is probably the most pain in the butt diet I've ever been on because if you truly have celiac disease you have to go 100% GF in order to see an difference (and it can take weeks for the gluten to get out of your system).

    Unless you have intestinal issues and you want to see if gluten is a factor, then it's not worth the headache lol