Starting a new workout... again

Hi all, fairly new to MFP and today is day zero for another whack at doing a BeachBody workout. I'm hoping by exposing myself publicly doing it I will stay motivated enough to finish this time.

A year ago my wife and I started Power 90 and did it to great success... about about 70 or days of it. Then she went and visited her family and I lost my motivation. I failed to finish the last two weeks.

A few months later we started P90X and powered through about 60 days. She visited her family and I just wasn't motivated. 30 days short.

After Thanksgiving and after our family visits it was time for Insanity. That workout is crazy intense and we rocked it out for about three weeks. Then she started feeling sick and weak, turned out she had gotten pregnant. ( yay ^-^ ) Sadly though, once again without a workout partner, I stopped as well.

Well, I really started to notice a couple of weeks ago that the downtime over the last four months was doing bad things to my love handles, so I've decided to go at Insanity again. My wife obviously cannot do it with me so I've recruited my 3 year old daughter to workout.

TL;DR I'm great at not finishing workouts and I'm hoping this time I can do it with the help of my daughter and public pressure.

Starting point: Profile pic


  • lulloa
    lulloa Posts: 148 Member
    I've been thinking of doing insanity as well. I'm a little nervous about doing it but I will do it. I will definitely keep you on your toes about following through this time.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    You can do this... It's only 2 months!
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    And I know it's hard to work out with out a partner... So you have to extra BRING IT
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Ok I keeps deleting my posts?!

    Ok nvm I see them... Bah! Lol