Can't stop eating. -___-

Hi, I hadn't realized you could go on this site, thought it was only a phone app, aha, so now im here!, umm, I'm currently 158 pounds, and my weight hasn't been this high since grade 8, I graduated from high school last year, so...I've been off the wagon for a while. My normal weight was sitting at about 137-140lbs, I have gained roughly 20 pounds in the past 2 and a half years, and I can't seem to get the weight back off. My boyfriend and I are going to Montreal this summer together, and I'm starting to panic. We leave in exactly 80 days, and I've got maybe... 73 days to lose the 23 pounds that I've gained/want to lose... So about 11 weeks until I have to do all the clothes shopping...

I have a couple problems that are making it difficult to drop the weight,
First, I snack when I'm bored, when I'm sad, angry...etc. I just snack pretty much 24/7.
I don't snack on bad things...but it all adds up eventually.

My second problem is that I work at Starbucks, so im having about...3 drinks a day there,
I make them as non fat as humanly possible, but like I said before...things add up.
plus when I'm hungry, I just end up eating the food we have there...and even the healthy stuff is a whole mess load of calories.

I've been trying to curb my eating habits, but I'm having a lot of difficulty.
So I guess I'm just here hoping that I can find a way to fix it all and finally have one summer where I'm not worried about how I look in a pair of shorts.

Oh, on another note, I havn't worn a pair of jeans in over 3 years, and I don't wear anything without a pair of tights.
really hoping to fix that as well.

that is why I'm here =D


  • DGunnarson
    DGunnarson Posts: 2
    I know it is hard to do but you CAN do it.
    Just plan ahead beforehand pack snacks and plan your meals before they happen and just don't eat more than that.
    It can be tempting I know, but the more you do it successfully the easier it will be. I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes now.

    "The difference between want and need is self-control"

    Good luck!