TDEE seems way high

I have been going off the bmr and all that for my calorie intake, but reading on a post I came across tdee. I am not 100% sure about it or if im inputting the information correctly. I exercise 4-6 times a week and entered that in calculator and it is telling me that i need to eat between 3202 or 3563 if i input heavy exercise. That seems excessively high for my calorie consumption. when I workout doing kickboxing/boxing, i burn roughly 900-1100 calories in an hour. Is accurate for my maintenance, because everything else has been telling me my maintenance is rougly 2500


  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Seems good to me, if you are really active, but you seem to be.
    The only way to make sure is to eat those amounts, and track the weight weekly. Aim +1 lb per week, and adjust.
    When I train (strenght) I hit from 3600 to 4000 calories for a consistent gain, under 3200, weight was barely moving.
    What are your goals ?

    btw : Kratos powa!
  • shodaimetruth
    shodaimetruth Posts: 137
    the goal is weight loss. i'm going to start adding in weight lifting next week to try and help bring out the definition. I want to have a lean build not to be bulky and hopefully one year be able to do Kratos as a halloween costume. I have my goals set to about 1.5 lb a week this way i have room to play with my intake. either a little higher and don't have to worry about losing what muscle i'll be trying to develope
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hmm, depends on your weight now as to your TDEE. Also depends on body type (let the ripping into me begin). My son who body builds has to eat much less than TDEE because our natural metabolism is quite slow. To get ripped, he eats about 1800 - 2100 a day and that's with his lifting and running. I agree with the suggestion to track it and see how it's going for you.

    Good luck on the lifting. You have some great goals :smile: