Goodbye for a while

Today I am being made homeless. I'm temporarily moving into a static caravan on the coast for two weeks in the hope of finding somewhere I can afford to rent in the next two weeks. My ex hasn't sorted out the money he promised me yet, so its making it very tricky. No central heating in the caravan so I'm expecting to have to wear lots of clothes to keep warm, and by cuddling up to my beloved dog.

There's no internet available there, unless I pay for access, which with the current situation I can't afford to do, so I won't be around for a while I'm afraid. I know I haven't posted much but things have been so volatile at home (or ex-home now) that I've not been able to post as much as I would like.

I'm taking my anti depressants with me because I think I'm going to need them more now than ever. Things really are looking bleak. On top of all this trouble, I'm being made redundant at the end of October so my chances of renting somewhere are further limited. And still haven't found somewhere to put all my belongings. I could sell them, but their value is more sentimental to me, and it means that when I do get sorted with somewhere to live, I have to start from scratch completely. As it is I don't have much because when I moved in here 6 and half years ago, my ex told me I couldn't bring much with me and it all had to go. How I wish now I'd paid for it all to go into long term storage :o(

So take care all, hope you all achieve your goals, and thank you for the kind messages you have sent. xx


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh goodness. I'm so very sorry.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Good luck to you. It sounds like your life is really rough right now. I hope things get better soon.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I'm so sorry. I am not sure where you live but there are programs out there that could help you search for a place to live and that could also provide you with anti depressants (and any other medication you may need) for cheap. Please check out what your options are. You are not alone in this.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Good luck to you, and remember it could always be worse. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and you will make it to the end.

    Everyone has a happy ending, if you're not happy, it's not the end.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I used to live outside when I was younger. I slept in a park beside some junkie that used to shoot up dilaudids and nod out everywhere and I had to carry his half asleep *kitten* around. I had nothing but a cardboard box and a garbage bag to keep it from getting wet and a blanket. Then some lady took me in and I lived in her garage. They were all crackheads and were stealing my stuff. I only had clothes and a few cd's and they took them. I wasn't allowed to touch or eat anything and I was poor and they would take everything from me and one day I freaked out because it was an awful place to be. They kicked me out and I couldn't get my stuff. I went back to the house to hurt these people because I had snapped. I wanted my cat and my belongings. The cops and ambulances had to come and I spent the night in the psychiatric department. Now I live with my parents and I got my cat back, I'm still poor but I'm happy because I'm in a normal house.

    I am sharing this with you because it ends well and maybe it can give you encouragement.
    Stay strong. It's hard but you will need to. Maybe you could rent a room with a family member or someone could let you sleep on the couch till you get on your feet. I've had to do that and I felt like such a bum asking people to use their showers and sleep on their couches. At the time my friends were very helpful to me and supportive. If you have good friends they should help you out. I had one friend who used to bring me food in the middle of the night because I would go days without eating and was too ashamed to ask for food. If you read this. I hope you get back on your feet soon and please don't let it break you. Having a dog is good because it's comfort in a time that you will feel alone in the world.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Hey, as my gramma used to say: "This too shall pass".
    Or as my father used to say, "What doesn't kill us will make us stronger."
    And as my mom used to say, "ahhhhhhhhhh *kitten*"

    Haha. Sorry.
    But seriously, I am possitive there are some programs out there that will be more than happy to help you find some place to live until you can get back on your feet.

    Good luck to you. And as I always say, "Keep that chin up!" : }

    PS: local library has internet service usually. Keep us informed!
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    Have you been evicted if you receive mail whether you are breaking up or not he cannot make you go.. you can go to the legal aides at the court house in your area and they can help you figure out what to do , as far as squatter rights * not so you can sit around asking yourself why , but so you can bide your time and come up with a plan.. if you have been officially evicted then you have other options

    I dont know you but it seems that you have seriously and literally come to a crossroads in your life, it seems that you want to hold on to things and while I understand this concept, I think you should let go of just what you need and move forward..
    keep family items and things that are irreplaceable everything else can go..

    you can try looking for a room to rent or look for a shelter to start,,. I know it seems bleak but I promise you if you embrace a new beginning ..everything will make sense in retrospect.. I have had similar situations "befall" me ..

    you can be in control , you need to first prioritize things...

    whats truly important , what CANT you live without .. and go from there.

    A roof over your head is priority and maybe if you have reservations because of your baby * your cuddly companion .. maybe a trusted family member can keep them until you get on your feet , the worst thing you can do right now is reserve yourself to the fact that you are

    2) redundant
    3 ) hopeless

    This is a time of great change and if you accept this challenge full on you will come out ahead ..

    most people dont practice and or study numerology but this is cyclical you have been in this place before.. actually about 9 years ago.. and right now you need to either acknowledge that you froze up then or .. remember the courage you had.

    This really is a test... and you can pass .. its all up to you.
  • alluvion
    alluvion Posts: 28
    It sounds as though you posted this just to receive sympathy. Pity. You probably could have done something to prevent your homeless situation from occurring in the first place.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    It sounds as though you posted this just to receive sympathy. Pity. You probably could have done something to prevent your homeless situation from occurring in the first place.

    Wow...way to be a complete and utter tool.