Not too big for my britches!!

Just a very few short months ago, I was somewhere around 250# and starting to strain my size 20s. This morning, I weighed in at 230# and I can comfortably fit in my 18s. And I do mean comfortable. Not straining, not cutting in--not even while sitting at my desk!!
I had to cut the inner seam of the short sleeves of one of my button ups. Even then, I was still straining those sleeves.
Not today!!

I still have plenty of rolls. I still have to tug my shirts down when I stand up to move around, but the shirts are looser. :)

I'm headed in the right direction!


  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    You sound SO much like me. I started at 224 in a pant size 14. (I'm 5'9") I'm 212 now, and still working my way back down to the comfortable 170 I used to be.

    This is awesome to hear that you can just sit at work and be comfortable, and happy!! I'm proud of you!