I am ashamed of myself.....



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hey there!!

    Just wanted to let you know my opinion.

    I have been a massage therapist for 5 years, often dealing with clients who don't have medical insurance so seek alternative treatment for pain and injuries.

    I would recommend a couple of things.....

    1: make sure you are drinking a lot of water. Hydration is key in the healing process, muscle tissuse repair and disc health.

    2: You can up your intake of Vitamin C. It is also essential for tissue repair and healing.

    3: Use the internet to look up "back strain rehabilitation exercises" There are many great sites out there devoted to rehab movements and tips. Many of these you can do at home with virtually nothing.

    As long as you don't have sharp pain (indicating nerve damage) or numbness and tingling in the legs you can treat yourself. Most drs only deal with back strain by prescribing pain meds anyway and rest.

    A couple more things....

    New school thought on back pain is to move...through walking, stretching, etc.

    Rest and ice is the best for your occasional flare ups. Ibuprofen can be taken as well.

    Have patience, back pain can last a long time (6 months of more) but educating yourself is the best way to heal and manage your pain.

    Best of luck, take care!!:love::heart:

    thank you so much for all this great advice, I needed this. the pain isn't sharp, more like just an ache a really bad ache. I have been taking some excedrin back and body and it seems to be helping.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I gained 5 lbs over the weekend lol. Friday I was 161 and today this morning I weighed myself at 166 WOW!!! How did that happen. Not going to let it get me down though, just have to recover this week.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: This is a brand new day. How wise of you to start by asking us on MFP to walk you through this challenge.

    :bigsmile: Ice is your friend (my chiropractor told me that). If you don't have a chiropractor ice bag, then get a BIG bag of frozen peas. Put a towel over it and lie down on it for no more than 20 minutes then put the bag back in the freezer and use it again in about an hour and keep doing that as often as possible.

    :bigsmile: Try different kinds of movement until you find something you can do.

    :bigsmile: Redouble your effort to stick to the high nutrition low calorie eating that has helped you succeed so far.

    :bigsmile: Redouble your efforts to reach into the spiritual program that is part of your life.

    :bigsmile: You are a winner and this bump in the road will not derail you.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: This is a brand new day. How wise of you to start by asking us on MFP to walk you through this challenge.

    :bigsmile: Ice is your friend (my chiropractor told me that). If you don't have a chiropractor ice bag, then get a BIG bag of frozen peas. Put a towel over it and lie down on it for no more than 20 minutes then put the bag back in the freezer and use it again in about an hour and keep doing that as often as possible.

    :bigsmile: Try different kinds of movement until you find something you can do.

    :bigsmile: Redouble your effort to stick to the high nutrition low calorie eating that has helped you succeed so far.

    :bigsmile: Redouble your efforts to reach into the spiritual program that is part of your life.

    :bigsmile: You are a winner and this bump in the road will not derail you.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    thanks so much for all the great advice, I really appreciate it so much. I am back on it and doing well as far as the nutrition part of it goes. I have been resting as far as the exercise goes though. I have two small kids to take care of so I don't want to over do it.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have gained 6 pounds. I am not going to let it get me down though, I am going to work thru this and get back on it and continue on my weight loss journey. I can't do much exercise right now, I think that I hurt my back in the wreck that we were in. It has really been bothering me lately. What are some exercises that I can do without messing up my back?

    The best exercise for you to do to prevent injuring your back any firther is going to be water exercises, like water aerobics, swimming, etc.............
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have gained 6 pounds. I am not going to let it get me down though, I am going to work thru this and get back on it and continue on my weight loss journey. I can't do much exercise right now, I think that I hurt my back in the wreck that we were in. It has really been bothering me lately. What are some exercises that I can do without messing up my back?

    Double post, don't know how that happened.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hi, I'm sorry your hurt. Can you swim? How about walking? You could always do weight training like bicep curls- I hope you feel better soon. Are you being seen by Dr, for your back? If so they can recomend exercise. Have a great day- :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:

    thanks, No I can't swim, I love to walk but it is way too hot here in S.C. right now. I am not seeing a doctor for my back right now, I don't have any medical insurance.

    If the accident was not your fault, then you can go to the dr and get treatment from the other persons insurance, or through medical payments on your own insurance.........

    I was in a really bad accident last year and I am still going to rehab............
  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    Sorry to hear your back is hurting Laura. I have had a few minor back strains and the only thing the doc said was rest and ice, guess there's not much else you can do until it starts feeling better. Glad to hear it's not getting you down. you are strong and will overcome. I believe in you!:flowerforyou:
  • Scottslass
    Scottslass Posts: 76
    You can do it you are doing so well so far!
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Not sure what your mall is like, but ours has a free kid play area (almost like a soft-wall, soft-matted kid corral with climbing stuff that is lower than my waist, sliding things, tunnels, etc). This has two advantages for me... one, it's a reward for our little guy at the end of a brisk stroller walk (I park as far away as possible from it), and 2, it serves as a break area for me after pushing the stroller through the mall a few times up and down.... heaven knows a kid won't sit still in a stroller for the much-needed break... this allows me to sit while he's entertaining himself and getting his own version of exercise. Your kids would be the perfect age for that kind of thing if you can find it! I just have to ignore the Mrs. Fields and the Pretzel shop right next to it.... they know how to market and ploy on hungry kids and mommies! lol
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    thanks everyone for the very nice posts I need this.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I'm not sure exactly what exercises are good for back pain but just remember that any activity you can do will help even if it is low intensity. But be careful not too push yourself to hard. And don't sweat those 6 lbs. You've lost them before you will do it again.

    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    :frown: I'm sorry you are hurt I hope you start to feel better and please do get your back checked by your Doc. Don't feel bad though. I was 195 Friday and this morning (weighted myself early when I shouldn't have) I was 200! I went over my calories this weekend so I know it's my own fault but it motivates me to try that much harder...don't let it get you down...you may not loose as much not being able to stay active, but if you limit your calorie intake and watch your diet you can still stay on track just at a slower pace. :smile:

    We all cheat on our diets, some justified cheats some not so much (like mine :embarassed:) but I have faith you will overcome. Please see the Doc hon!

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    :frown: I'm sorry you are hurt I hope you start to feel better and please do get your back checked by your Doc. Don't feel bad though. I was 195 Friday and this morning (weighted myself early when I shouldn't have) I was 200! I went over my calories this weekend so I know it's my own fault but it motivates me to try that much harder...don't let it get you down...you may not loose as much not being able to stay active, but if you limit your calorie intake and watch your diet you can still stay on track just at a slower pace. :smile:

    We all cheat on our diets, some justified cheats some not so much (like mine :embarassed:) but I have faith you will overcome. Please see the Doc hon!


    thanks, I saw the doctor in the E.R. right after the wreck happened and they said it was just a back strain.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I'm not sure exactly what exercises are good for back pain but just remember that any activity you can do will help even if it is low intensity. But be careful not too push yourself to hard. And don't sweat those 6 lbs. You've lost them before you will do it again.

    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    thanks :flowerforyou:
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    i think that in addition to what everyone said about walking...etc, you should also pick up a yoga video from the library and do some yoga exercises. they are great for strengthening the back. Just be sure you go slow and if it hurts, dont push yourself.


    #16 always feels really good on my back and helps to strenthen. you dont have to go up that high, just whatever is comfortable. hold for a few seconds, then release and repeat.
  • Changeisgonnacome
    I have suffered from back strain a lot over the years and have found that yoga is a great help. I do it at home with the help of Rodney Yee dvds. The beginner series. It's important to watch the instructional portions of the video to insure you are doing the movements correctly. I find that it helps loosen everything up nicely when done correctly. I have been doing it for several years now and find that my back is much better, my core much stronger and my sciatica doesn't seem to flair up quite as often as it used to.

    Hope that helps.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    I have gained 6 pounds. I am not going to let it get me down though, I am going to work thru this and get back on it and continue on my weight loss journey. I can't do much exercise right now, I think that I hurt my back in the wreck that we were in. It has really been bothering me lately. What are some exercises that I can do without messing up my back?

    I would stick to light cardio and use the bike and keep off any weights that would use your back. Swimming is great!!!! So if you have access, get in the water :bigsmile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    i think that in addition to what everyone said about walking...etc, you should also pick up a yoga video from the library and do some yoga exercises. they are great for strengthening the back. Just be sure you go slow and if it hurts, dont push yourself.


    #16 always feels really good on my back and helps to strenthen. you dont have to go up that high, just whatever is comfortable. hold for a few seconds, then release and repeat.

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I have suffered from back strain a lot over the years and have found that yoga is a great help. I do it at home with the help of Rodney Yee dvds. The beginner series. It's important to watch the instructional portions of the video to insure you are doing the movements correctly. I find that it helps loosen everything up nicely when done correctly. I have been doing it for several years now and find that my back is much better, my core much stronger and my sciatica doesn't seem to flair up quite as often as it used to.

    Hope that helps.

    thanks, it helps alot. :flowerforyou: