Exercise with social anxiety?



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I find that walking/running in the same place helps me feel more of a sense of belonging, even ownership, in that place, and that really helps with anxiety.

    Maybe try it for a week, and see if it gets better?
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I don't mind being outside mainly because there aren't a whole lot of people. I like running because I can block everyone out with music. I know this isn't recommended but if I'm on a stationary bike I read, just make sure the resistance is up and that you're working at a good hear rate level

    I do zumba every now and then but I know the days that I CAN'T go because the class is so big. I had an anxiety attack during one and haven't done it since.
  • susansmoaks
    susansmoaks Posts: 77 Member
    you can workout at home with a dvd, that's what i do, not due to anxiety but because it's best for me to workout early in the am before daylight and probably not safe to walk around outside that early.
  • skinnyl0l
    skinnyl0l Posts: 63
    I hate meeting people, so I avoid running along the road! Turn up your music and run in the woods ^^
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Been there. A few years ago, I really wanted to join a gym, but I was afraid everyone would point and laugh at me for being fat. I purchased a few workout DVDs online. Doing those helped me gain some of the confidence I needed to step foot in a pilates or yoga class. (My thinking at the time was at least then I'll have *some* idea about what to expect and won't be a complete newbie!) I decided to try a couple of classes at my local community centre. It was close to my house and I did other things in the building, so it seemed less daunting. Eventually I joined the gym there and now go daily and take weekly classes. I still have anxiety about using gyms other places (such as on vacation) and I CAN'T run outside in front of random strangers walking and driving down the street. For me it's all about comfort level and taking things slowly... Good luck! And you can do it! Just do whatever feels right to you and I guarantee that workout out regularly will help with the social anxiety!
  • melissainez85
    what helped me get outside as i deal with social anxiety (idk how this started as iv always been social but none the less i have it which it has hindered me working ect...) last year i walked in place in my room but this year im walking outside and truly enjoying it i walk when there are not a lot of people and i found what helps me is having my ipod in one ear(not both) and in my head singing to the songs as it eases my mind from worry of everything around me when someone comes in my path i just smile but i don't talk i don't want to spark conversation as i jumble my words and get panic...im working hard to over come this as it has effected my life greatly :/ BUT baby steps will help u..... i feel so great after a long walk it eases my mind my anxiety and stress level....hope this helps
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    1: Doing inside workouts are awesome, with or without equipment. dvds and workout routines found on the internet are very effective

    2: Going to the gym/park with a friend is great too.

    3: GET OVER IT! We're fat, it's a fact, AND you're doing something to change it, BIG deal what someone else thinks :tongue:
  • cherrytulips
    cherrytulips Posts: 109
    Hello my dear! I used to deal with the same issues. Here are a few things that helped me:

    1. Get some exercise clothes that you LOVE. Take yourself on a little shopping trip and invest in some matching exercise pants/leggings/shorts and a top or two. Get some socks you like, a sports bra, and hair-tyes. This helps you feel confident and motivated to work out. If you feel good and you've got your clothes on, you're already part of the way out the door.

    2. Don't worry about anyone else. I know that is difficult but for your well-being, I believe you can do it! Focus on your journey, your body, your health, and your life. Get over what other people think. Think of how good you'll feel once you have exercised. You will feel amazing! Nobody else is even paying attention to you. This is the truth!

    3. Even if people glance at you at the gym or while you jog, they aren't even actually looking at you. In life, we all look at eachother, but that doesn't mean they are thinking of how you look at all. My sister once said to me, "God, you are so vain! Nobody even cares what you look like or notices what you're doing so stop focusing on it so much. You think everyone is staring at you and you waste so much time thinking about it but nobody even cares. Just do whatever you want." This made me realize how much I had been focusing on being socially anxious instead of trying to improve my life. I didn't realize how self-absorbed and self-conscious I had become when in reality, it was all in my head.

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I used to have a lot of social phobia.
    I would just never talk or anything.

    I got over it by just self inflating my ego, and just using a lot of anger at the world to help get over that bump. Its still hard. good luck!

    The ego thing works for me too. This sounds horrible but if I think I'm better than people in some way, I can do well socially, so when I TA kids younger than me for example. BUT if I think they are better I suck socially, like when I used to play rugby and wasn't very good at it (and consequently never made friends in 5 years of playing). I use this when I'm at the gym with 20 year old boys too. I KNOW I'm better at sex than they are....
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Interesting. I can SO relate to this! I do 90% of my workouts indoors, at home. Mainly strength training and cardio on the treadmill. Sometimes when the weather is too nice to resist, I venture out outdoors, and I totally understand the social anxiety aspect. You just have to ignore those thoughts and just do it. Make exercise your priority.

    I think you might find that once you get out there, it's fine and actually quite exhilarating. It's really that mental game beforehand that's the issue.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I have pretty severe social anxiety, although I am working hard on overcoming it.

    When I first started, add the fact that I was close to 300 pounds to already being uncomfortable in public, and it was tough.

    So I started by just walking around my neighborhood - at night.

    I live in the ghetto, but no one ever attacked me and gradually I was able to grow the (figurative) balls to walk in daylight and then do other exercises in public.
  • Hannahtams
    Hannahtams Posts: 10
    I had REALLY bad social anxiety for a really long time. I just MADE myself do it. Sure, sometimes I felt like crying and running away or just giving up. You get over that eventually. I just had to push through it and eventually I got over it.. for the most part. Sometimes it still bubbles up. I just have to remember that people don't actually care and if they do they don't matter to me anyway, so why care so much? Confidence building helps too. Im sure you could google "confidence building" and see what works for you.

    I completely agree with this. I had similar issues but you have to keep reminding yourself that no-one is actually paying any attention to you. I was really scared about going outside to attempt to jog for the first time, but I made myself do it, and it was fine. What helped me was going somewhere where lots of other people where jogging/walking. The more people around, the more anonymous I felt. Plus I wore a cap, which really helps! Go on, just go outside for a brisk walk and see how you feel, once you realise no-one is paying any attention to you you'll feel fine.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I used to run either early in the morning or when the sun goes down. Once I was more comfortable with myself, I headed out in to the daylight. I still get a little nervous when I got to the gym but I just repeat to myself that no one can tell I am nervous but me and that helps calm me down. If you get the sweats at the gym from nervousness no need to worry since the gym is where you are supposed to sweat!

    Chin up and good luck...you CAN do it!
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    I felt EXACTLY like that UNTIL I decided this fat chick is not me! And I started to see the future me! Now I have no problem walking even half jogging outside! I'm praying for you! You can do this!
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    So understand what you're going through. I haven't made the jump to the gym yet, but that will be coming up soon. I do workout at home, but I also take walks around the neighborhood with my daughter. She talks non-stop, so I get so caught up in what she's saying, I don't even notice the people driving by, or in their yards. When I do notice, they smile and nod. So, yes, find a chatty friend and guilt them into walking or running with you. I also like the idea of the music or audio books. Or better yet, see if there are any nature trails to jog, then you won't run into as many ppl! When you feel the panic welling, just take a deep breath and say to yourself, NO ONE will keep me from being healthy! You can do it!!!!!!
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    Well, I'm on meds for my anxiety issues but my best advice is - who are you working out for? yourself, right?
    soo... who gives a card about what other people think! yes, there may be a time or two when you get honked/yelled at but that shouldn't bring you down. (sometimes it's actually a complement to your hard work!) you have every right to strut your stuff outside, if that's what you feel like doing. as long as you don't live in a shady neighborhood, people mean no harm to you.
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I really want to get into a habit of exercising for physical and mental health. But when I plan to go for even a short walk I get freaked out about going outside. There are people out there! They will *see* me!

    Did anyone else have trouble overcoming shyness to get on the exercise train? Did you find certain activities worked better or did you just work out inside? Did you wrangle someone into exercising with you?


    /raises hand Meme!! I try and workout in our bldgs gym in the morning because i know after 5pm there will be people down there strength training. Eventually I want to join a gym so I guess I'm going to have to find out what their "dead" hours our.

    I don't even like to be in a group of more than 4 people either :( puts a cramp on fun social gatherings my friends have in the summer bicycling around the city
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    For me the exercise helped block the social anxiety kind of like how a medication would work.
  • robinslikeworms
    robinslikeworms Posts: 11 Member
    Oh my gosh I'm surprised at the response to this!
    Thank you to everyone who replied!

    littlesis412: I definitely need to remember to take my mp3 player with me, music can be such a big help.

    sjb74uk: I was *just* wondering about going in the dark the other day! I was thinking biking, obviously with the proper reflective gear. I'm so glad to hear the negative self-talk improves over time.

    myfitnessmhoy: "man-boobs flopping in the breeze." I love you.

    namowrepus2002: I have a tab open right now about local hiking trails. Do you find it hard to get yourself out there to the place with fewer people? Or is it easier than trying to just go for a walk in a populated place?

    jenelizmin: I really think I need to teach my cats to walk on a leash so I can use walking them as an excuse :D

    mcwhit: Thank you :3 And I really like that line! Damn right I'm faster than the guy on the couch.

    cherrytulips: thanks for the suggestions! I think I will get some workout clothes.

    Thanks everyone who replied, I'm reading everything. Music, a friend, darkness, the forest, health over judgment!