How do you save money on food?



  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    For meats and seafood, we signed up with a company that delivers meat (I think the one we went with was called Capital Meats). It was costly up front but has saved us tons over the months. They even had a deal where if we bought a certain amount, we got a freezer with it all. And it's good stuff, too. I love that I haven't had to buy meats in 3 months and still have tons in my freezer. I think by adding up what we got vs shopping at the grocery store, we're saving at least 65% on our grocery bill.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I batch cook and freeze in 2 person portions.
    I plan all evening meals for 6-8 weeks (but if I see a supermarket bargain I will alter my food plans for that day)
    I eat home cooked 99% of the time
    I buy vegetables at the market or discount supermarket and try to stay in season as much as possible
    When I find a bargain, I buy masses and make stews/soups or freeze
    I eat a lot of cottage cheese and eggs to get my protein (often cheaper than meat/fish)
    I regularly swap a few branded items for discount/own brand items to see if I like the cheap version just as much. I've found there are lots of things that I don't even notice the difference.
    I don't drink much and even then only on special occasions.
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm also going to have to say Aldi...not so much for their fresh fruit though, but everything else I will get from there. Go with the boneless skinless chicken breast, tuna, tuna and more tuna (Aldi has a great price on tuna), and fish!

    Our fruit is spotty at Aldi's also. Today I was there, the price on strawberries went up to 1.99 a package and half of them were moldy!! Sometimes it's okay, like the oranges or kiwi, but the strawberries, most of the time are already rotten.

    Wow! I have NEVER had these problems with Aldi's! My Aldi's fruit is awesome, just like the veggies. What a bummer. Must be a regional thing. :( Sams club also has good fruit at a decent price but it's in bulk, which can be way too much for some. I have a Sams Club buddy so we buy the bulk fruit and then split it.
  • jnamcelwain
    jnamcelwain Posts: 42 Member
    Planning your meals around your local grocery store sales circular works wonders!!! Don't forget
    one of the greatest protein sources (beans, lentils) is the cheapest. Make soup and hot sandwich once
    a week and finish the soup off as your lunch for the rest of the week!!! Cuts your bill almost in half not having
    to buy lunch foods :)
  • Hazelbeav
    Hazelbeav Posts: 10 Member
    I do my main weekly shop at Aldis, as it makes a big difference to my food bill. Their limited range also means that I tend to know the cals of what I am buying. including any treats ( Aldi creme caramels, multi-grain snacks, etc) It keeps my meals simple and means I can plan meals for the week with virtually no waste.

    i do find their fruit and veg a bit hit and miss. I've given up buying dented apples, and mouldy grapes. But their food labelling ( for cals ) is good and it tastes nice!
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks everyone for referring Aldi. I have one right up the street from my office. I've only been once when someone else told me spinach was on sale. I went today on my lunch break and bought a bunch of veggies on sale. Woop, woop!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I also swear by Aldi's their fresh produce is excellent and hands down the best prices around. This weeks ad:
    Baby carrots: $.49
    Cucumbers: $.25
    Grape Tomatoes: $.79
    Iceberg Salad Mix: $.49
    Mushrooms: $.79
    4 Pack Multi Colored Peppers: $1.69

    If that isn't enough convincing, I don't know what is.

    I also watch for sales and stock up on chicken breasts and other staples. Some I use to make ahead and freeze meals and some I split into family sized portions that I can grab out of the freezer to make things with. I always plan my dinner menu for the following week. Take things out of the freezer, buy the produce I need and viola! dinner is a no brainer.
    Thank you so much! I ended up going to Aldi's and I bought a HUGE box of veggies for $13.00! I bought 2 packs of the multi-colored peppers, 2 packs of squash, 1 head lettuce, 1 bag of salad mix, 3 cucumbers, 6 tomatoes (on the vine), 2 bags of baby carrots, mushrooms and a bag of chocolate yogurt covered raisins to put in trail mix!
    Thank you kindly!
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Find it and kill it myself.
  • lhughes404
    lhughes404 Posts: 42 Member
    I spend very little on food. I live with my parents and eat their food. But seriously when I move out I am planning on doing 1 big shopping trip a week to Target and then a mini trip once a week for fruit and milk. I feel that the less time I spend at the store the less I will buy.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Find it and kill it myself.
    Actually, I did that Monday. haha
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Ah, it's harder for fresh food. I buy bulk frozen chickens. I can get like a dozen breasts for $6. I just look for sales. I don't buy any meat that is not on sale. You can buy whole chickens. I get them for around $3.

    Stuff like that. Fresh food is hard to buy cheap though.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    We do a lot of dried bean and pea dishes and vegie stir fry over rice.
    Also buy bulk at costco.

    If the budget is really tight, check out "hillbilly housewives low cost cooking from scratch" (internet) and/or the book "Tightwad Gazette" (get it from your library!)

    Hope these help!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Have you tried doing your own canning? It's fun and saves $.
    I used to can and I loved it but I found that it's cheaper to just put the 'stuff' in the freezer instead. I use a foodsaver so nothing gets freezer burnt. Today I'm picking strawberries to freeze. :)
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    In my neighborhood is mostly Hispanic supermarkets. Every week they have at deals like, 8 pounds cucumber for $1, five cabbages for a dollar, that sort of thing. So as long as you have reasonably good cooking skills and/or a nice chart with cooking times for veg, you could save a ton of money by eating a ton of veggies. They have white rice for cheap too. I've found this is true for pretty much any ethnic supermarket-- plus Indian markets sometimes have brown rice for bargains too.

    Cook beans from scratch, they freeze well, I just freeze'm in baggies of 15 ounces, which is how much is in a can of beans.
  • xButterflyEffectx
    xButterflyEffectx Posts: 40 Member
    If I go to the shops, I leave my children at home. I always end up buying more if they're with me. I try to do most of my shopping online and have it home delivered. That saves me heaps. For fresh fruit and veg, I go a couple of times a week and buy in smaller quantities than if I just went once a week. This cuts down on wastage coz it's more likely to get eaten than go bad.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    I buy my ground turkey from Costco, it's cheaper than the local stores.
    And/or I go to the other stores looking for marked down lean hamburger.

    I stock up when I can, and freeze it.

    Yesterday i saw a sign outside in front of Ray's market.
    They had Taco Bell shells for 1.00 a box, and the seasonings for 50 each.
    Needless to say I stocked up. ☺
  • lastspen
    lastspen Posts: 106 Member
    I just buy foodstamps from the neighborhood junkie

    This made me laugh!