30 Day Shred



  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    Like the others said, keep going. Even if you can't perform all the moves as quickly or as long thats ok. Take it slow. Do the modifications. If you can only do 3 pushups thats ok. Maybe next week you'll do 6 and so on. The point is to keep moving. Don't knock yourself out trying to keep up or perform as many reps as they do. The more you do and the more often you do it you will gain the endurance and the strength.
    I actually started it this week and yes its tough. At some points I will jog lightly in one spot, especially when she does the side lunges with lateral raise. I just can't get co-ordinated to do that yet. I'll do a couple and then do my jogging in place, just so that I'm moving until we can proceed to next exercise.
    Yes its tough, but like Jillian said if we want to see change then we have to do things that we are not comfortable with. I'll do and try what I can, and what I can't do I modify or repalce with something that I can do, just so that I'm MOVING. Keep the heart rate up.
    Keep going, and remember that we are here too, struggling and getting through the same dvd lol.

    Thanks! :) I know I have to push myself. I definitely will try to modify some of the moves or reps! It's nice to hear that others are going through the same thing or feeling the same way. Lol. Jillian is one tough chick!
  • Try her "No More Trouble Zones" instead. It is the same concept but not nearly as tough. I can complete the level 2 and 3 workout on that dvd but the level 1 on the 30 Day Shred just about kills me.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    it defo takes alot to stick to the full 30 days... i gym on and off and i've done this only once.. i will be making another start tonight hopefully and stick to it.. i really want to see results as all the results i've seen on here have been super positive and amazing pictures..

    i tried to tell myself i can do this as a morning work out before work but in the morning when the alarm goes off, i just hit snooze.. :frown:

    i will try to make a start tonight.. and then every morning from tomorrow on wards (hopefully)

    i want great results:love: so going to have to kick myself out of the bed for 30days in a row..:ohwell:
  • Heathert24
    Heathert24 Posts: 17 Member
    I just finished 30ds about a week ago. It kicked my butt, but I just told myself to modify where I needed to and stop when I needed to. I lost a bunch of inches and weight, even though I didn't do it every day (I was just not in good enough shape). Now I'm starting again and committing to finishing it in 30 days with minimal modifications. I had not worked out in years when I tried this for the first time, so if I can do it , anyone can!! Stick with it and you will see results.
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    I am on day 19 of the 30DS and am about to advance to level 3. I will say, it's still a struggle every day to complete it. Some times I fly through it and feel amazing, other days I muster up whatever energy I have and do what I can. Either way, I do it and I am seeing the results! It gets easier once you reach the halfway point. Once I got to day 15 I thought, there's no way I'm stopping now!

    Good luck! :)