Dirty Girl Mud Run



  • I'm doing a similar thing in the UK. The one I'm doing has some really good training ideas on their website which you may want to try out.


    For me, the obstacles are OK (I'm quite strong) but I'm NOT a runner so am currently working on that. Luckily the girl I'm doing it with is a great runner but has zero upper body strength so hopefully we'll even each-other out!


  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I'm doing the wisconsin one in September, and I can't wait!! Better start on that upper body work!! Thanks for the advice ladies!
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I did a mud run last summer and while the obstacles were tough, I heard that some people who did the run couldn't even run a 5k. By nature, you slow down to do the obstacles, so it's almost like a "break", although you're still working your *kitten* off. Someone posted cardio, cardio, cardio. I would agree with this. Keep up with the C25K and do other types of cardio as well, and you should be fiiiiine! :happy:
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Mud Runs tend to be on trail, which is softer than pavement. Try running on multiple types of road surfaces, and do some light weight training to build up strength in your legs and arms, as well as core exercises to build up your ability to stay balanced. The Dirty Girl isn't that bad, it's fun and it's crazy! I did one last Saturday, had a blast and got epically dirty. I can't run a full road 5k yet, but I did the run anyway - they space the obstacles at quarter to third miles apart so it's not too difficult and its never a continuous run from beginning to end. I feel that if you can do at least an hour of exercise through and run quarter to half miles in a stretch you should be able to do this no sweat! Good luck!
  • jatiger83
    jatiger83 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks for all the support and tips ladies! Each time I read this I get more and more pumped! I'm currently on week 2 day 2 of c25k :) I attempted the monkey bars this weekend but chickened out, I couldn't let go! I am so lame!
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    I did the one in GA and had a blast. My profile pic is the outfit I wore. Made a cute little tutu and ruined it in the mud! You'll have a great time!!