

  • TinaTurtlez
    TinaTurtlez Posts: 86
    I was a HUGE Diet Mtn Dew Code Red. OMMgeee wiz! Huge addiction to that. I read how bad mountain dew is, and switched gears. Then decided to stop all together. I crave it once in a while... but coffee is my next challenge. :smile:
  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    I was addicted to Diet Coke for years, and two occassions came off it cold turkey (I dont like coffee and have about 1 cup of tea a week) On both occassions I had the most horiffic week of detox, bad headaches and feeling awful. I then became addcted to Pepsi Max. Strange thing is, I quit Pepsi Max last week, and have only had one bad headache, and feel fine! ....I'm now wondering if there are any chemicals that are different in the Diet Coke/Pepsi Max that made the detox effect so different? or levels of caffeine, just seems really strange....
  • 2befit2
    2befit2 Posts: 58 Member
    I gave up soda last November, I used to drink strong coffee all day long, now I'm down to 2 cups of not so strong coffee...:laugh: I drink at least 6 to 10 cups of water nowadays.
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Good job!! I'm not a pop drinker, but sounds like it would be the equivalent of me giving up chocolate :p I admire your determination!
  • TinaTurtlez
    TinaTurtlez Posts: 86
    Ahh thank you! It's not easy and I am sure my hubby can tell you I wasn't my cheerful self. BUT.. I know I needed to do it. I have switched gears to unsweetened tea, and yah.. not the greatest but I adjust. I don't even throw in the sweetner. lol

    Now as for chocolate.. uhm.. ok I do LOVE my fiber 90 cal brownies.. YUMMO!! So that, I DO need to work on.. : :tongue: