Is your goal just a number?

pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
That's how I feel. I am 5'7, starting weight 175 and goal weight 140-145. I have lost 13 lbs so far in 6 weeks of joining MFP and it feels great. Why am I so obsessed with reaching my goal of 145? Last Friday I finally fit into my "goal" jeans that I have not been able to wear in years. 6 weeks ago, I couldn't even zip them up much less button them and last Friday, I slipped those jeans on like nothing, it felt great!

I set my goal weight to get back to the weight I was before I got married and had more kids and that's why I have that "number" as my goal.

For some people, it is not about a number and about the way you look and feel? I mean if I get down to 155 and feel awesome and look great, I still feel like I would have to keep going to my goal weight just because I am obsessed with that number. Anyone else feel like this? Is your goal just a number?


  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I am obsessed with my number, but I am trying to focus on smaller goals, I want to fit back into my goal jeans! Once that is accomplished, the number fixation will probably be more persistent!
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    I know how you feel, however I've recently come to the realization that I have no idea what I'll look like at my goal number so if I get to a point where I feel good about how I look and am happy I'm just going to stay there. My goal weight is based on my "healthy" BMI but I don't know. I kind of feel like if I get down that low I won't feel as good about myself because I may lose some of the things about my body that I kind of like (e.g., my curves). So for now I have kept my goal at what it has been but I'm flexible. If I get to 10 lbs above my goal and feel great about myself then I'll just stay there.
  • For me my goal number came from a "healthy" weight for my height. I too feel like I'll hit a point where that number won't mean as much as how I feel and actual health things like being off my meds, my numbers being good on blood tests, and FEELING fit.

    Plus, I honestly can't imagine being 150 pounds... I haven't weighed that little since middle school...:ohwell:
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Im focus on 132 but I set it to 140 I dont know Im obsess with that number to
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    For me, it's basically a number. My first goal is set at a healthy weight, 140, but, I won't be done until I feel good in a bikini! Then the numbers won't matter at all.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    My goal weight was set based on a physical evaluation. At work they sponsored nurses to come in through our health plan and do an evaluation. You entered the evaluation with a 30min or so quiz and it gave you what your weight range should be. So I set my goal weight to the max weight. However, as I get closer I am less focused on that number and more on % body fat composition. I would like to be down in the 20's for athletic body type.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I feel good right now, and I look great to me (I think so anyway - I'm in l.e.i. 11's and I look like I"m a 9!), and to some other people who have noticed; that goal was reached 4 months ago. I know I can get to 140, that is a high-end healthy weight, and that's only 8 lbs away, so yea, I'm going for it.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    i am obsessed with 145, I dont know why, I know I dont look bad now at 154, really a healthy weight for me is around 147-150 but I am so obsessed with 145. I also have a pair of goal jeans which i cant quite fit into...comfortably that is.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My original goal was to get to a normal BMI. I figured once I got there, I'd know if I need to go down more and when I would be done.

    I'm aiming for 110 now (I'm only 5'1") but I'd be fine if I never lost a pound again at this point.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I have a few numbers actually, and a healthy BMI is the just the first one.
  • I wonder why we fixate on a specific number????
    The lowest I can ever recall weighing is 163 - so my realistic goal is 175, BUT my ultimate goal is 162. When I'm asked what My ideal weight is, I always say 162 - we'll see, lol
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    I'm kind of focusing on a number (135) but the further I get into fitness, the less that number seems to mean.

    My BFP was at 21.55 the last time it was measured, I'm wearing size 10s, and still, the BMI is in the overweight range.

    I just don't know what to focus on. I'm really pleased with my BFP, which seems to be the main number my trainer is looking at. However, I keep thinking how fab it would be to be 135 lbs AND have a low BFP.

    Maybe I'm just crazy?
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I want to be able to run. This may never happen (I'm a big busty-hippy girl) but I'm going to know that I gave it my all. I jogged last week! *hugs self*

    I want to never be in a wheelchair again. I want to never have to worry if I have my crutches/cane when I go out for the day.

    I want to shop at 'normal' sized stores. I know tons of cool plus size stores- but I want the options of shoping at Target instead of Jessica London- cost cost cost!

    I want to be able to keep up with my Hubby on a bike ride.

    I want to be able to do things- have my own seat on a plane, ride a roller coaster, walk in a store without getting sore- that my old lifestyle wouldn't let me do.

    I want to walk standing tall, feeling strong and in control. Instead of hunched over my cane or shuffling along with my crutches.

    I want to be able to easily clip my toenails! Or to be able to shave in the shower without worrying about falling down. I want to be able to tie my shoes in public without worrying about passing out from bending over- or trying to find something to put my foot up on.

    I want to live. :flowerforyou:
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    There is so much going on in the number on the scale, it's truly not that important! size is FAR more important...losing fat is fantastic...fitting into your jeans is such a great feeling...just celebrate it! keep working and struggling....but the number on the scale is not that important. Not in my opinion. it's okay to use as a tool...but it doesn't mean much anyhow. more and more fitness professionals are finally realizing this fact.
    I for one...focus on size. How I look in the mirror to myself.

  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    I want to be able to run. This may never happen (I'm a big busty-hippy girl) but I'm going to know that I gave it my all. I jogged last week! *hugs self*

    I want to never be in a wheelchair again. I want to never have to worry if I have my crutches/cane when I go out for the day.

    I want to shop at 'normal' sized stores. I know tons of cool plus size stores- but I want the options of shoping at Target instead of Jessica London- cost cost cost!

    I want to be able to keep up with my Hubby on a bike ride.

    I want to be able to do things- have my own seat on a plane, ride a roller coaster, walk in a store without getting sore- that my old lifestyle wouldn't let me do.

    I want to walk standing tall, feeling strong and in control. Instead of hunched over my cane or shuffling along with my crutches.

    I want to be able to easily clip my toenails! Or to be able to shave in the shower without worrying about falling down. I want to be able to tie my shoes in public without worrying about passing out from bending over- or trying to find something to put my foot up on.

    I want to live. :flowerforyou:

    Amen Sister! These "wants" weigh more than a number on the scale ever could and I encourage you to keep that focus and you WILL accomplish your goal. Great mindset!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I have never been thin, so I have no idea where I will look/ feel good. I have my goal set for 135 because it seems like a nice number, and doesn't feel too unreasonable...though it may very well be. I really won't know if that's where I feel I need to be until I get much closer to it.

    Is my goal JUST a number? No, it's to be able to shop at regular size stores and at least fit their largest size. :P
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    My goal is just a number - it's based off the high end of the healthy range on this will be the least I've weighed since before kids...once I hit it I'll see about maybe another 10 pounds - we'll see how I look and feel....not written in stone.

    My goal is to be the best, healthiest me I can be!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I want to be able to run. This may never happen (I'm a big busty-hippy girl) but I'm going to know that I gave it my all. I jogged last week! *hugs self*

    I want to never be in a wheelchair again. I want to never have to worry if I have my crutches/cane when I go out for the day.

    I want to shop at 'normal' sized stores. I know tons of cool plus size stores- but I want the options of shoping at Target instead of Jessica London- cost cost cost!

    I want to be able to keep up with my Hubby on a bike ride.

    I want to be able to do things- have my own seat on a plane, ride a roller coaster, walk in a store without getting sore- that my old lifestyle wouldn't let me do.

    I want to walk standing tall, feeling strong and in control. Instead of hunched over my cane or shuffling along with my crutches.

    I want to be able to easily clip my toenails! Or to be able to shave in the shower without worrying about falling down. I want to be able to tie my shoes in public without worrying about passing out from bending over- or trying to find something to put my foot up on.

    I want to live. :flowerforyou:

  • 4mricandy
    4mricandy Posts: 159 Member
    A number is just that...a number. It is how you feel that counts. My goal number is 250...which is pounds and pounds away. I look at smaller goals along the I am nearing my first one - under 300 lbs. Set the 'little goals" along the way and don't worry about a number
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Techinically my goal is 150lb which right in the middle of my healthy weight range but honestly, I am currently the smallest I've been since puberty. My real goal is to have a completely round belly button (it's still kind of smooshed :tongue: ) and to be comfortable with my thighs. stupid cottage cheese.. :grumble:
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