I was doing great, but....

It seems like something snapped in me last night! I decided to go over my calorie intake to have a slice of pepperoni pizza (ah, heaven!) and then I decided to have a second slice. OK, I made those decisions carefully. Honestly I didn't feel too badly about it. They tasted sooooo good and it felt good to have my tummy full, a little bit too full for a change. I was surprised when I logged them, that the darn MFP said if I continued to eat that way I'd gain 2 pounds over the next 5 weeks. It was only 600 calories over my limit! Yeah, yeah, that's how it all starts, isn't it?

So this morning I wanted to get back on track and had my normal oatmeal, and then I went back to the fridge and pulled out the low-cal apple crisp that I made last week and ate an additional 300 calories of that. Once again, it was that slightly-too-full tummy feeling, and it felt good. *sigh* A few hours later, and I am practically dying for something sugary. I make up a bag of low-fat kettle popcorn, which is OK but I ate the whole bag's worth!

I really don't want to be eating like this, but it feels like my body is craving stuff and my brain is no longer in control. Any tips or suggestions, other than perhaps a padlock for the pantry and fridge?


  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    Maybe you aren't getting enough calories to begin with? Could be the cause of some of your cravings. We all get them, but try and think of your long term goals and grab something that won't sabatoge your success. Best of luck!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    It's ok to have what you want every once in a while! Just limit it to every once in a while :) just 2 weeks ago I went over to my parents to visit and she made my favorite: meatloaf, with gravy, and mashed potatoes lol was I really not going to eat this meal my mom made just for me because I was coming over? Of course not! I ate it, and enjoyed it! I did however workout a little that evening and got my cals back into the green. I lost that week too. I can go on and on with times I have eaten something I really wanted and still lost weight. Because, unlike before, I do eat healthy 90% of the time. And this is something I will want to keep up the rest of my life, am I really never going to have my moms meatloaf again? It turkey dinner on thanksgiving? Or ham on Xmas? Of course I will have them! So don't worry too much about it, just do what I do. I say to myself "ok that was a really good treat! Let's work a little harder this week at eating well and exercising." and you will find that it doesn't hinder your goals :) I don't plan "cheat meals" I have them whenever I feel like I want something speacal. And that 5 week thing is actually pretty on target I have found. But what it says is "if every day were like today." if you went over by 600 every day for 5 weeks it says you'll gain 2 lbs. which is prolly true, but if you do not go over that amount every day for 5 weeks, then it isn't true. Good luck! :)
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    I know it seems like WTH, I only went over one day and I'd gain 2 lbs in 5 weeks, but it does specifically say if EVERYDAY was like today you'd weigh "this" in 5 weeks, so basically if you are going over every single day you'll gain weight. Give yourself a break every now and again, just don't let it spiral out of control!! :)
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Thanks, it is the spiraling out of control I was worried about.
    In spite of a rough start yesterday, I managed to come out only 30 cals over my daily limit, so I feel pretty good now.
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    I know it seems like WTH, I only went over one day and I'd gain 2 lbs in 5 weeks, but it does specifically say if EVERYDAY was like today you'd weigh "this" in 5 weeks, so basically if you are going over every single day you'll gain weight. Give yourself a break every now and again, just don't let it spiral out of control!! :)

  • moamom1
    moamom1 Posts: 15
    Here is a (((((HUG)))) you can't be 100% good 100% of the time. Forgive yourself for slip ups and get right back on track ASAP. Give yourself a day off once a week. Even the good Lord took a day off. Your doing great and deserve a hug and a pat on the back, so keep up the great work!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Thanks, it is the spiraling out of control I was worried about.
    In spite of a rough start yesterday, I managed to come out only 30 cals over my daily limit, so I feel pretty good now.

    If you are working out a day you go over your calories seems to promote a great day at the gym the next day. Your insulin level and your muscles are probably ready to go! Also remember if you are set to lost 1 pound - 2 pounds a week MFP sets your daily deficit to 500 - 1000 calories under your maintenance. That is the part that confused me a bit. If you are set to lose 1 pound a week that means MFP sets you 500 calories under goal so if you ate 600 over MFP you should of only netted 100 cals over maintenance which would take 35 days according to MFP software to next 1 pound!

    Basically saying if you go over a bit every once in awhile it's not as detrimental as people physically as they make it out to be mentally!

    Just keep it up and keep pressing forward.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I try to have treats around the house that are single serve. When I buy popcorn, even kettle corn, I buy the single serve bags--that way I CAN have the entire darn bag without blowing my meal plan. I need to check the nutrition counts on the little packs of pringles chips I have in the kitchen....

    I treated myself to A slice of pizza last night for dinner...then a few hours later I was starving, so I had some raspberries...then hubby came home and wanted popcorn, so I had a handful out of his bag. I also drank an obscene amount of water yesterday--I stopped counting at 11 glasses, but I think it was closer to 13 or 14.
  • steplaj
    steplaj Posts: 586 Member
    Remember - Carbs crave carbs. If you eat more sugars, your body is going to crave more sugars. They are absolutely right, you can allow yourself an occasional treat, mine was the other night and I had Chinese Food. But I know I have to get myself back in line and I have kicked up my cardio some. I am losing about 2 pounds per week right now and I do have bad days. But you have to fight to stay on track the rest of the time.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Remember - Carbs crave carbs. If you eat more sugars, your body is going to crave more sugars. They are absolutely right, you can allow yourself an occasional treat, mine was the other night and I had Chinese Food. But I know I have to get myself back in line and I have kicked up my cardio some. I am losing about 2 pounds per week right now and I do have bad days. But you have to fight to stay on track the rest of the time.

    Depends on the carbs, sugary carbs this is more true for than others. Also remember that carbs also increase water retention. Most people don't account or think about that.

    That is why when people go on a low carb diet they usually spike a quick weight loss fast when they first start. It's water weight going bye bye.

    Carbs causes the pancreas to release insulin, at higher insulin levels you retain more sodium, when you retain more sodium your kidneys retain more fluid, then your tissues start to hold on a bit of fluid.

    I read once it's like 4oz of water for ever 20g carbs or something like that, I'll have to look it up.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    So now maybe go for a walk - even just around the block - to get yourself in a little different mode. Lots of good advice on this thread. I'm learning a lot from everyone.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    bump..me too
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    When I get like that I have found that if I can eat some protein, it stops the cycle. A peanut butter and banana sandwich works perfectly for me EVERY TIME. Now I just wish I could remember to start with that instead of it always being last. :P