Fell off the wagon

Ever since my vacation at the start of June I have fell off the weightloss wagon and have even gained a few pounds. I live in the heat of the desert in Arizona and even though I have a complete gym inside my house, like a treadmill, treadclimber, bowflex, punching bag and my WII sports, I can't get motivated because of the heat. I just want to lay around and do nothing. I tried exercising in the morning when the temp was still under 100, but I already get up for work at 2:30 AM and I can't really get to bed any earlier then 7:30 PM due to my 4 kids and other responsibilities. I need some help and motivation. I do well on my days off from work, but how do I put myself first during the work week. Has anyone tried the WII active or the Wii Julian Michaels are they worth the expense of the WII fit board and games. I think the WII sports is the only thing that's saved me for now.

Thanks everyone,


  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    May I suggest shorter more intense workouts? yes, anything with Jillian in it will give you the intesity you need. Maybe you can do the shorter time periods in your heat!!!
    And give yourself a break...staying healthy is a lifelong struggle for most of us...full of ups and downs. we're not perfect!!!

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    You don't need the balance board for Wii Active. It can be done without. The routines are great and you can make your own.

    If it is motivation that you are lacking, the Wii will not force you to exercise. You need to change the mindset and push yourself
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Do you have a swimming pool? Or a swim club nearby? Swimming is good excersie, and its low impact. It might be easier to workout when its fun.
    It is hard to workout when its that hot, but on the bonus side, I have no appitite when its so hot out!
  • harvick29
    harvick29 Posts: 14
    Nope, no swimming available, I live in a very remote area.
    I know that the video games won't force me to exercise, but I enjoy playing them, so at least I know I'm getting some exercise while my mind doesn't want to hit the treadmill right now.
  • angelofmedicine
    angelofmedicine Posts: 6 Member
    try something with the kids. WII fit... swimming... bike later in the evening... If they get excited... maybe you will too.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Nope, no swimming available, I live in a very remote area.
    I know that the video games won't force me to exercise, but I enjoy playing them, so at least I know I'm getting some exercise while my mind doesn't want to hit the treadmill right now.

    I couldn't force myself on a treadmill for any length of time if my life depended on it. I like doing a couple short, intense cardio workouts throughout the day. The good thing about high intensity is you burn fat for at least an hour after your workout.

    This is one of my fave short workouts to get my heart rate up: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=1330 (hopefully the link works). It's only a 10 minute workout, and the last 3 minutes are cooldown and stretching, so at 7 minutes, I rewind it 3 minutes to get a full 10 minutes of intensity.
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    I live in Miami and have the same problem, except I live in 89% humidity with 90 degree temperatures. Yeah - like breathing over a hot bowl of soup.

    I do my exercise (either walking/Curves/trampoline in the garage) in the evening as soon as I get home. I figure, I'm already stinky from the day at work and the swampiness so I just do 30 minutes of whatever it is I'm doing that day. Then after a shower I can get on with dinner, cleaning, chores etc and not re-stink myself.:blushing:
  • salamander
    salamander Posts: 22
    I'm having the same problem - I don't have heat like you, but we've had 2 weeks of extreme humidity for my area and it has made it so much harder to exercise... so I've taken it outside (some days just walking or biking instead of running because it is so humid)... I recently bought a cheap air conditioner and installed it and positioned the treadmill right in front of it... my runs have picked up since I've done that, I'm more motivated because the air in the gym is so much cooler now... I can't run outside in the humidity. Running room has good tips for exercising in hotter/humid weather - wet and freeze a baseball cap - put it on right before exercising... roll some icecubes in a bandana and tie it around your neck to keep you cool...