How often do you weigh yourself?



  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I weigh every day. I don't get worked up over fluctuations, but I still like to know where I'm at.
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Well, my plan was to weight myself every Monday morning. But then i actually bought a scale and do it pretty much everyday. I must stop though because I kinda get disappointed every time that it hasn't changed or has gone up. So i think I will try to go with every week or perhaps even every second week.
  • N_Bridgeman
    N_Bridgeman Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (post-bathroom, pre-breakfast) and type it into the system. I like to watch how my trend changes. It bounces up and down quite a bit on a day to day basis....but it is clearly a downward sloping average...which is nice see....helps keep me positive. I do have to work a bit on not getting discouraged when it stays the same or goes up after working out hard and eating well....but then again, its great to see the progress, and I am able to see the line is going down on average, even if I went up a bit that day. It also helps me see what is working and what is not for me. Over the day it changes lots depending on food/water consumption (so I dont rely on those numbers at all), but the morning one seems to move much less....and seems pretty accurate.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I try for once a week, because I'm one of those who DO freak when the number goes up daily - even if I try not to. It usually ends up being more like 2-3 times a week. I only enter it in once a week, though.
  • Ninabe150
    Ninabe150 Posts: 11 Member
    I too weight every day. I like to see what I might have done the day before that I need to watch or that is good and continue to do it. :wink:
  • annamook
    annamook Posts: 28
    I do not keep a scale at home b/c I feel like it could become obsessive, so I weigh myself 2- 3 times a week at the gym. My trainer has said that, ideally, people should weigh themselves first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, nude, and that this reflects your true weight
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Once every 2 or 3 weeks. The scale is not my friend. I measure. It is much more motivational to see inches being lost even though the scale is not moving.
  • Ninabe150
    Ninabe150 Posts: 11 Member
    Anna, that is exactly what I do each morning! :blushing:
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I weigh daily (after my morning walk, before my shower), but I don't go nuts over the daily fluctuations. I put the numbers into a spreadsheet and look at the moving 7-day average. As long as THAT continues to trend downward, I know I'm still on track.
  • CRVDiva
    CRVDiva Posts: 98
    I agree with you. Daily weighing works for me for the samr reasons. It definitely makes me more aware of how various foods impact my weight and it generally makes me more accountable. :smile:
    I weigh everyday. I like to see how the previous day's food/exercise effects me. I don't get frustrated when the numbers go up, I just think about what've done that I need to change.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    eh it's not counter productive per say. I wouldn't log it everyday.

    I also weigh my self every morning after I use the restroom. But I only log on Fridays. Even If I'm down 2lbs on Wednesday, I wait.
    I probably shouldn't be so concerned with the scale, and yes it can go up and down, but I like to know where I'm at every morning.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Weekends on Sunday morning unless the weekend promises to be a little off plan then Saturday so I have an extra day to correct before the next weeks weigh-in. There was a monday once but that's because I forgot to weigh in on a sunday.
  • iamers
    iamers Posts: 74
    I weigh myself every week and take measurements. I would get too worried about my weight fluctuating!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    I fluctuate 3-5 lbs everyday depending on the time of day, so I weigh once a week in the morning as I wake up.
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
    monday morning after i potty... stark naked... for a while i was doing it every day but i felt I was becoming obsessed
  • _Schatzi_
    _Schatzi_ Posts: 112 Member
    I weigh myself the first of every month. That way I don't get discouraged by daily fluctuations. I work hard and focus on non-scale victories. Then when I get on the scale at the beginning of the month, I'm usually really impressed with myself!
  • continentaldivide
    continentaldivide Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh every morning before having anything to eat. Sometimes at night too. I also like to use the progress report on MFP as I can look at one week, one or three month progress. On a day to day basis progress can seem slow, but the reports show me that I am right on track w/.5 lb weight loss since starting in Feb.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I weight first thing every morning and keep track of it along with my calories, exercise, etc and don't freak about with fluctuations and just see what yesterday was.

    i record whatever the morning weight is every friday morning

    i measure 2 x's a month
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i try not to weigh every day so do it maybe once a week , i dread it going up it sends me into depression. i know ive worked at my diet and it is normal to go up and down but it still scares me.
  • nicholawelch
    nicholawelch Posts: 74 Member
    Once a week on the same day at the same time on same scales