WTF happened on The Voice finale (spoiler)!?

secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
Everyone I know voted for Juliet (who is spectacular) or Tony Lucca (who is great, but also it would be hilarious if he won because it would have pissed off Christina)

Instead the winner was a singer with a great voice, but no originality and could have been replaced by any other R&B singer.

What the heck happened!??!


  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    I fell asleep about half way through the finale...was so ticked when I woke this morning and realized I missed it. Watched it though online this morning and was glad Jermaine won. I think he really had the best voice. I am glad Juliet at least came in 2nd--love her voice also. Tony was an ok singer, but knew how to get the crowd going (a better performer then singer I think). And Chris...although I loved the song he sang with Christina Monday night, he is my least favorite out of the four.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I didn't watch it. But Juliet should have won. She was amazing singer and by far the best.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I didn't watch it. But Juliet should have won. She was amazing singer and by far the best.

    I second this.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I voted for both Juliette and Jermaine. I disagree with your assessment of him. I'm glad one of my top 2 favorites won.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I hope all four of them release albums... I will definitely buy Juliet's music!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I think Christina screwed herself over by being petty and immature about Tony Lucca. Someone on a different website said "what did you like him in the Mickey Mouse Club and he turned you down?" I think Chris Mann might have done better if she hadn't made those comments.

    I definitely did not think Jermaine would have won! But I did like him. I wanted Juliet though.
  • jcohio85
    jcohio85 Posts: 43
    I watched. As a friend of Tony's I was disappointed of course. I think he had it hard from the beginning because of Christina and she continued to push him down over and over. I think she felt threatened because of his song last night. He is the one that took the most chances this season. He went outside of his box several times. I applaud him for doing that and standing his ground when she was rude. He actually is an AMAZING singer and song writer. He has several albums out and you are more than welcome to purchase them on iTunes right now. He even had them up on his website for free for sometime and they may still be free.

    No matter what I believe the top 4 (and some of the others) will all end up with record deals with bigger labels (little known fact some of them are already on smaller labels).

    I'm excited for next year...if there is a next year. I would however like to see Christina replaced. She doesn't seem to play very well with the others and comes off as almost thinking shes better than the rest of them. She also doesn't wear pants half the time and that scares me.
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    I wanted Juliet to win. I've been a fan of hers for years and used to chat with her quite frequently on Myspace. She's a really nice girl and has been working so long and hard at getting her career going. Even though she didn't win at least now her name is out there and it'll be easier for her to find a label to sign with.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I watched. As a friend of Tony's I was disappointed of course. I think he had it hard from the beginning because of Christina and she continued to push him down over and over. I think she felt threatened because of his song last night. He is the one that took the most chances this season. He went outside of his box several times. I applaud him for doing that and standing his ground when she was rude. He actually is an AMAZING singer and song writer. He has several albums out and you are more than welcome to purchase them on iTunes right now. He even had them up on his website for free for sometime and they may still be free.

    No matter what I believe the top 4 (and some of the others) will all end up with record deals with bigger labels (little known fact some of them are already on smaller labels).

    I'm excited for next year...if there is a next year. I would however like to see Christina replaced. She doesn't seem to play very well with the others and comes off as almost thinking shes better than the rest of them. She also doesn't wear pants half the time and that scares me.

    I totally agree with you... Tony really showed incredible character when Christina was trying to get under his skin. I loved Tony's song choices and when Christina called him "one dimensional" he would come out of left field with a totally unexpected song that he sang incredibly well. I doubt they will replace Christina, since she was the biggest draw for the show, initially... But I completely agree that she felt threatened. Why? I'm not sure, Tony certainly isn't trying to steal her target audience... :) I will definitely go buy some of his music. Thanks. It's awesome that you are friends with him!
  • _cauburn
    _cauburn Posts: 60
    I was really hoping for Juliet to win. She is really talented, like all the people on the show but I think she deserved it. I didn't not see that guy from Blake's team winning at all, no offense to him.