Can't seem to be doing anything right!



  • midgetio
    midgetio Posts: 57
    It appears you had two cheat days this week, one one Monday and one today that is part of the problem.
    yeah i know this week hasn't been good for me! but it's been my birthday celebrations :p
  • midgetio
    midgetio Posts: 57
    quick question

    how small are you aiming at?? and why??
    hey, i'm aiming for 102 and it's just been the weight i've wanted to be for the past year or so but never got round to actually doing something about it
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    At age 18 and at your size working out 5 days a week, your TDEE is around 2100 and you're eating around 900. That's your problem sweetie. Eat more food! And the timing of your calories has actually been shown not to matter one bit. Your body doesn't know what time it is.

    ^^^^^^ All of this!! Well said Dixie, my thoughts exactly
    Good luck sweetie!
  • midgetio
    midgetio Posts: 57
    thanks everyone, you've all helped lots :) don't know what i'd do without my fitness pal :p
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    Hi, I was you many years ago. I am also 5'0" I was 18 and I weighed 110 pounds and decided I had to weigh 95 pounds and so started my life on the weight loss roller coaster.

    The approach I took was to limit my calories to next to nothing for as long as I could stand it. I would spend days only allowing myself to have black coffee or I would have 2 slimfast shakes and a salad. I would fast and when on the third day of having nothing but water, I ate two grapes and had to vomit. I was young, and I was beautiful, just like you. No one told made me think I needed to lose weight but I decided 95 pounds was the weight I wanted to be.

    Let me tell you if could back in time and have a redo I would have done things so differently. I spent years dieting and gaining, dieting and gaining. Until one day I stopped caring, I just didn't have the fight left in me to keep trying and accepted I would always have to be unhappy with my weight. That doesn't work either, it becomes more about health when you are older. You might not care if you wear a size zero but you do care that you don't have the energy or ability to do things that were once taken for granted. Like bending over to tye your shoes.

    I hope that you will allow yourself a long and happy life by tracking what you eat until you have adopted a healthy habit, enjoying the foods that you do eat and learn portion control. You should strive to find a healthy balance for yourself that isn't punishing and avoid the whole yo-yo syndrome. Best of luck to you on your journey.