
So, I am totally frustrated in the fact that I have increased my exercise 10Xs and am making a concious effort to watch what I am eating, but I am not losing weight. I have spoken to some friends and they didnt lose weight either doing that program. Have you guys gotten any different results...or any tips...I joined here becuase I want to see my caloric intake and it seems like it is high...so I am going to try an watch that. Any other suggestions are appreicated.


  • PlayMom
    PlayMom Posts: 2
    I do know that your body takes time to gain memory of what you are doing. It varies a bit with every person, but if you dont have a lot to lose or your body is just stubburn it might take up to three months to start seeing results, especially on the scale.

    I reccomend giving it a bit of time if you feel like you are doing enough. If your calorie intake seems high just keep in mind that when you exercise you need those calories to have the energy to burn high calories. That is why some people believe the more you eat the more you lose if you are exercising a lot.

    Also people say that water is also a big one. Drink drink drink all day. Although I have difficultly doing this I think you can aquire it with time. Try low calorie add ins. As long as it isnt all the time I think that is okay and helps.

    The body is also a piss off because I hear it gets used to waht you are doing, so once it has the memory you actually have to up what you are doing. ie weights, add intervals, or do a fitness class that will push you farther then you would on your own.

    Anyhow you may already know all these things but just incase you didnt. :wink:

    Look forward to hearing back from you about this in a couple weeks.

    Keep up the good work. You sound like you are doing awesome. Hard work does pay off......eventually!
