Logging sex under daily exercise?

I tried looking up sex under the exercising listing but could not find anything. I looked it up online and it says you burn about 144 calories every half hour. But I do not know how to log that into my exercise? Can you??? Thanks for any help :)


  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    Create it as a new exercise. However, if your just laying there taking it, you probaby didn't burn that much. I usually only log working out as exercise and figure anything else is a bonus. You can burn 54 calories an hour reading, but are you going to log that? When you set your MFP activities maybe considering moving it up the light or moderate activity, if your having wild, crazy sex 7 days a week.
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    I normally just treat that as a "bonus." I don't log it, but I have it in my mind that I did it. LOL. I do know that you can create your own exercise as said above.