50 years plus needs HELP!



  • suzzee2000
    suzzee2000 Posts: 85 Member
    Stop eating any Processed foods as well as flour, sugar, white stuff Drink lots of water It's amazing how just drinking water helps in our weight loss process. Also when you cut these foods out you feel SO SO much better! ....It's harder than ever but it can be done! I'm 57 and lost quickly for 3 months eating low carb then everything slowed waaaay down BUT it works even if it takes a while you will feel so much better just doing the right thing for you! Another thing is take it one day at a time.....looking at the big picture like needing to loose 100 lbs sometimes is too overwhelming. My advice is...to take small steps like 10 lbs at a time and celebrate that goal :smile: Before you know it 30 lbs will be off and etc GOOD LUCK and add me too if you want to!
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Been here 16 months. Will be joining the 50's community in June. Feel free to look at my diary (if you dare!.....not always pretty)

  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Libby (and everyone else),
    You've received great advice so far. I've been a member since the beginning of March. One thing I have not seen mentioned yet that I think affects most if not all of us here (over 50's) is peri-menopause and menopause. It does affect your metabolism, your body wants to slow down as you age, and diet alone isn't going to speed things up. Working muscles will - along with properly feeding your body.

    I am 51 and already in full menopause. About 6 years ago my body began to mount a revolution. Over a period ov time my cycles went haywire, I became sluggish, thyroid went south, gained 40 pounds, became lactose intollerant, then I had to stop meat (I miss fried chicken!). My hair even went from nearly straight to curly! :noway: So much weirdness. When I finally started listening to my body and eating well, I still didn't have great success till I started moving, and monitoring what and how much went in me. I went along fine till I hit a plateau also, and was having more and more trouble lifting my weights. I took an objective look at my own diary and realized I wasn't eating enough either. We can't ask a candle to burn brightly (metabolism to run higher) if we don't let it have oxygen (food for the body) - I take no credit for that analogy, I read it here on MFP.