When do you fit gym time in?

I work 40 hours a week and have a 2 year old son. I'd love to get to the gym more than once or twice a week, but I'm having a hard time figuring out when to go.

I already have meetings/obligations that take me away from home in the evenings 1-2 nights a week, so fitting in time with my son is a real priority.

If you have children at home, do you wait until they are in bed? Go at lunch? I love to go to Zumba classes, and it's just hard to fit those in and still see my son before bed time.

I know its important to go, so I'm not complaining... just looking for suggestions of what works for others.


  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    I go on my lunch hour during work.
    In the past, I would put her to bed then go after bedtime. It makes it hard to attend any of the group fitness classes but I make do:)
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    My kids are older now, but I remember the days when gym time was a near-impossiblity. For several years, I just stuck to the at-home DVDs, and did those first thing in the morning. The kids got used to seeing me jumping around in my pajamas, hah. Nowadays, I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home several days a week, and whenever time permits, I'll block out about 90 minutes over lunch on my Outlook calendar and head to the gym. Other days, I'll sneak in some gym time after dinner when everyone's busy doing their own thing. Worst case, there are always those DVD's gathering dust, or on nice evenings, a good walk (either alone or with the fam) is the greatest thing.

    It took a long time for me to really understand that I HAD to make the time. I don't skip running the laundry because I'm too busy...why would I skip "running" my body? :)

    But it is hard, I will absolutely give you that. Best of luck on finding the right time for you!!
  • CocoAndButter
    I'm a mommy of 3. I have a daughter and identical twin boys and I work out first thing in the morning. Sometimes I will get in exercises at night also. I will do little things like doing sit ups while we are watching TV during commercials and taking them to the park and walk/run around the playground! :-)
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I work out at home. I also work full time and have a two year old. I don't currently have the bandwidth to get to a gym on a regular basis.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    When my kids were little,I would do activities with the kids. I would workout in the park as they played. We would go for walks to see the ducks at the lake. Ride my bike and pull them in the trailer. The kids and I would dance around the living room and play tag and even go hiking together. My son would grab the little 2lb weights and do some lifting with me. He thought he was superman.

    Find activities to do with your son so the understands the importance of exercise.
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    When my kids were little I worked out at home with DVDs exclusively. I belong to a gym now, but I still mostly do stuff at home. I prefer running and cycling outside - not at the gym.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Nothing says you have to go to the gym. During my body enhancement I have only been to the gym to change for my run.
  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 95
    I have four kids and work full time 12 hour shifts so I can totally hear where you are coming from. I can't get to the gym, I know that we have to make time for ourselves and blah blah blah but i really dont like spending the time away from them to drive to the gym (it would be min 15 minute drive each way) then the actual gym, it's just not for me. So I just fit it in wherever I can at home or work. I work where there is gym equipment so on nightshifts I get that and on dayshifts I spend my lunch walking outside, I also use the treadmill and elliptical at home, usually when the littles are napping and the bigs are at school. I try to get in some weights and abs before bed. I am very thankful for the nice weather that is coming because we can get in our exercise with the kids right? The other night they all played at the park and i walked and walked and walked around the outside of the play area, looked like a dork but oh well lol. Be creative!!!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    After work is my time I spent working out. I'm not a morning person, so evenings are best for me.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    I have two under two (17 month age gap & breastfeeding my 3 month old on demand). I go to the gym after my 20 month old is in bed. Then DH takes care of the baby while i go. I would recommend a 24 hour gym, if possible. I go to Planet Fitness and the biggest reason why i chose that gym is because it's open 24/7 (and its only $10 per month! so if i can't get there as much as id like, i didn't waste tons of money for the month).
    If going to a gym is really hard for you then i would suggest one of two things (or both if you're feeling outgoing).

    You could do Zumba on the Wii (or a dvd if you dont have that). Then you can do it anytime you find time. 20 minutes, you can do it mama!
    The other option, consider killing two birds with one stone, why not power walk with your toddler in a stroller or even babywear (the ERGO is AMAZING for older babies!). Then you burn even more calories! It's exercise AND time with your little guy. Personally, on days that i know i can't get to the gym, then i opt to power walk. I push my toddler in the stroller and then i babywear my 3 month old.

    You just have to be creative. It is a busy life-that is for certain! But when you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to get it ;)
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    my son is grown and I have more "me" time know. But how about working out at home, there's lots of things you can do and still spending quality time with your son.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    Dont know your little guys personality, but if he's anything like mine, then he loves to run, skip, hop, dance....chasing him around is enjoyable and helps lose weight! Maybe, play outside?