entertain me please

arnoswife Posts: 228 Member
I am suppose to be training someone on my job duty at work today, however there isn't much work for me to train on today!! LOL now I am bored out of my mind!! so tell me your best jokes, stories or what ever you want today!


  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    It's Hump Day so,
  • arnoswife
    arnoswife Posts: 228 Member
    to me HUMP DAY is irrelevant unless you plan to actually get humped at the end of the day!!!:happy:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Hmmmmmmm.....I'll have to think about this one! Sorry you're bored! I'll trade places with you...my 2 year old is potty training. Not a fun time! LOL!
  • cminor5
    cminor5 Posts: 11
    Tracy, I am right with you. Not much to do here. I am researching different weight loss and diet plans/ information that I am finding on MFP. What can we do, until the work is available. Try to loose a little tonight on this Hump Day, if you know what I mean. :love: