Why the hell does everyone have ..

InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
an argument against calorie counting?

I've lost count of the amount of times people assume I must be eating a cat's RDA of calories a day and offer their stupid advice. I'm just now having a debate with this idiot on my Facebook page who thinks that if you eat 30000000+ calories a day of healthy food, you still won't gain weight.

Calorie counting, at least if you're doing it properly, isn't a fad. It isn't all about low fat, low carb, low calorie-high bulls h i t factor-snacks. It's basic science. If you eat in surplus to maintenance, you WILL gain weight. If you eat at maintenance, you will stay the same. If you eat at a deficit, you will lose weight. Your body uses calories as energy, and stores them as fat if not needed. When you eat at a deficit, it takes energy from the fat stores (correct me if I'm wrong).


Of course, bodies aren't simple, and there are many factors involved, but it's still simple science.

So why the hell does everyone have a problem with it?! Because it's calorie counting that's lead me to lose almost a stone when I had given up hope of ever losing weight.

Even my PT tried to discourage me from calorie counting, but I put my foot down and we're going to work together with nutrition AND calorie counting. No reason why we can't do both.

Anyone else dealt with this?


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Why? Because people are lazy and calorie counting requires effort. My mother rejects it on that principle even though I'm pretty sure she's both undereating and very overweight.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Why? Because people are lazy and calorie counting requires effort. My mother rejects it on that principle even though I'm pretty sure she's both undereating and very overweight.

    Urgh. People just think it's a fad. That it's all about Cambridge diet type eating. That it's as simple as 'eat less, move more'. Uh. No. It's fecking not.

    I struggled to lose weight, then I found calorie counting. And 8 weeks down the line, I've lost 13.5lbs and gone from a 36" waist to a 31" waist. I feel better and sexier than I have in ages. I have energy and I actually bloody exercise now. I do not undereat, nor overeat. I have made big changes to my eating habits, and continue to.

    Yet some idiot wants to tell me calorie counting is 'stupidity' and I'll put the weight back on when I'm done.

  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I can't tell you how many times people who've noticed my improved figure want to know my "secret". It's so sad to see their disappointment when I tell them about this site and tell them I count calories and balance what I eat according to how much I exercise--SIMPLE! They lose interest immediately, especially when I tell them it took me about a year to get here...everyone wants a quick fix, magic pill--something easy...grrrrrr.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I have people assume that I can't eat "real" food and can only eat low fat/ low cal stuff. Personally, I prefer real (minimally processed) foods to all that diet crap. I am visiting family in Michigan this weekend and my SIL told me she didn't think she could pick up "my" food for me. She was being really sweet, but she didn't get the fact that I can eat anything I want. Just not a ton of it.