Boredom Eating - How do you ignore the cravings?



  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    My job has a bad side effect: boredom eating. Sitting at a desk all day, typing,.... those cravings just never cease.

    I always have crystal lights, misc teas, gums, and sugar free candies. And if I just can't freaking hold back, I grab a handful of almonds. And strangely enough, I've found that if I hold off on taking my gummy vitamins and my fiber chews until I'm either going to gnaw my fist off or punch puppies, that also helps. (otherwise, I take them right before bed.)
  • messymutt
    messymutt Posts: 24
    I will eat/drink and not even realize it. For example, if I have a cup in front of me, and I'm at the computer, I will drink and not even think about it until the cup is empty. Even then I'll repeat the cycle and still be shocked that nothing is in the cup! lol

    So, to alleviate boredom eating, I use water. I get really full and just keep drinking without intaking anything unhealthy.
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    Do anything to distract yourself. Go for a walk, read a book, anything to take your mind off it. Have some hot tea or drink water - it will fill your stomach and you won't be hungry. Chewing gum helps too, as you get the flavor and feeling you are eating. It usually removes my "snacky" feelings from boredom. Paint your nails - you can't eat when your nails are wet!

    But I have to say that realizing you do eat out of boredom is great. The fact that a person is able to realize an unhealthy (or unwanted) habit is important in the process of changing the behavior.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    i try to eat something with protein in it...keeps you full and then you dont want to eat anything after.
  • ScullyKel
    ScullyKel Posts: 69
    I don't leave much either and I find if I distract myself with video games or social networking, it's equivalent to boredom where I just want to eat. But if I work on my painting or writing or anything else involving using my brain in a creative way (and my hands not being free!) I can get through it okay.

    /agree! Playing video games (unless they are a fast paced multi-player game like online cards) make me want to continue the boredom eating cycle. I used to go to a "diet doctor" who would tell me to journal or blog every time I had a craving to eat, that way I could analyze the real underlying reason <i>why</i> I wanted to eat. Either I'm a) hungry, b) stressed, c) emotional, or d) bored.

    I found that technique very helpful in picking out what my triggers were for boredom/stress eating and helps me to avoid them.

    As far as curbing the cravings goes, making myself mindful of the reason why I am wanting to eat and doing something else constructive with myself has kept me from grabbing that bag of chips. I like these activities to thwart the boredom!

    Sudoku (much easier for me than crossword puzzles and I can still watch a movie or TV)
    Crosswords (when I feel my brain needs a challenge:smile: )
    Counted Cross Stitch (much more involved option but if you can count and color it's not that hard to pick up)
    Message Board Trolling (case in point!)
    Reading a Great Book

    Find what works for you... I'm sure there's something out there!:happy: