For Those Who Use or Have Used CLA/L-Carnitine



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Bro scientist? Carry on then doing what you do then. There are dozens of studies that show they are useful and have their place in recovery.
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    Been using CLA for a month and a half..side effects: loss of inches and muscle gain! Very satisfied.....
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    I take the liquid l-Carnitine right before my workout. Gives me tons of energy.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Water and electrolytes (mostly salt).
    No, but it is just a typical bro-scientist response aimed at getting people to think they need to do all these special thing pre-, intra-, and post workout just to push product. Immediate "recovery" makes no difference, you simply need to eat anytime after vigorous exercise within reason (36+ hours is true catabolism (starvation)).

    I just prefer sticking to real science

    Sorry to get off topic, but as far as CLA, the studies done did not imply weight loss, but changes in body composition (more muscle/less fat) which doesn't necessarily correlate with weight loss. Tonalin brand CLA was used and if you do try CLA, it should be USP certified as Tonalin brand CLA (Nature Made's stuff is usually USP certified). I am a chemist/pharmacist, I know this stuff

    You're an IFer though aren't you? Do you see the benefits of using BCAAs for fasted training? I use them for that reason when I do morning sessions. Non-fasted evening sessions I am cool with my post-workout steak:)
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    I don't use bcaas fasted or anytime. I use my body's glycogen, seems to work well and all
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I don't use bcaas fasted or anytime. I use my body's glycogen, seems to work well and all

    No worries, you likely understand this stuff better than me. I'm following MBs recs regarding the BCAAs.
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    lol jst to clarify-i am not using it for a magic pill it is indeed intended for icing on the cake effect LOL! I purchased fish oils as well. i used to take vitamin C (extra) it really helped i guess. its been 2 years since i was taking supplements. I still take a protein shake a day for a meal/snack. also multi-vitamin
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member

    I am talking CLA and have taken it before with a break in between. I read many possitive reports about the scientific studies and customer reviews that back up this product. Of course in my own experience how am I to really tell if it's working? I have no control me to compare it to. I do find that my hunger and cravings are a little reduced. If it's a placebo effect, I'll take it.

    But eitherway, CLA is a good fat that should help with inflamation and be overall good for you. I have read though that over extended periods of time a particular type....type 6 or something? Can't remember, can actually make inflamation worse.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    FWIW I work for a supplement company, its my job to sell the idea of supps, but, I won't when they don't work. Seriously, save your cash.


    So what are the studies talking about? Why do you say they don't work?

    Thanks :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I didn't notice any side effects from taking them.

    But also didn't notice any benefits that would have been worth the money.

    I received both free to beta test them. I did lose some weight, but my diet was on track.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    I tried this as well for about 3 months, didn't do anything for me - at least not that I noticed anyway. I switched to green tea supplements for a while and then to plan old brewed green tea and now I notice the difference I feel on days when I don't have my 3 cups. I have a lot more energy with the green tea (brewed) and because I drink it with mint its helps with digestion. Good luck to you.
  • Amommymoose
    Amommymoose Posts: 29 Member
    L-Carnitine affects mitochondrial function. So if you have an underlying mito disorder (and MANY people do unknowingly), then this COULD help (and that's actually research-supported). They have finally done a study on it's benefits to children in the autism spectrum (who often have more severe mitochondrial dysfunction). So whether or not it's worthwhile would depend on your personal biochemistry. It may be worth trying, but this is why you'd see people with varied results.
  • BrentJulius
    BrentJulius Posts: 89 Member
    Good question.. I have been curious about CLA too, but not purchased any because studies show you need 3.2 G's to be effective and most bottles are like 50-90 at only 500mg- 1 g each meaning it just isn't worth the money for the small difference it may make, but actually today I stumbled upon some at Walmart of all places that is 3000 mgs per pill/ 90 pills for 15 bucks so I figured wth. I'm sure it's not the ideal brand but figured it's worth a try.

    As for L-Carnitine I take every morning when I workout as it's in the preworkout I take along with BCAA's, arginine, caffeine and whatever else.. I train fasted and gotta say I'm addicted to the warm tingly itchy feeling the Carnitine gives you haha. I've been at apretty low bf for a while as to where simple water wait makes noticeable difference on me so I should hopefully get a good idea how effective the CLA is..
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    OK so does anyone have any answers for people who are taking CLA + eating healthy AND exercising?

    I want to read about results from those who eat right and exercise.. has there been any positive results e.g. lost of FAT??? I already take Whey Protein and that hasn't worked for very well even though I strength train and have upped protein intake
  • Mslajackson
    Mslajackson Posts: 46 Member
    I just started back taking much research on this to learn about
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    OK. So I'm Day 24 in here.. I've been working out 25 minutes a day, everyday (cardio/strength HIIT), taking 6000mg of CLA a day, using proteins+ (whey protein powder). I only lost 6.5 lbs but I'm sure most of it is fat as my BF% is down 9%. Never had this kind of success before with "weight loss".
    I'm a believer and I'm sure some day in the upcoming weeks it won't work for me any more. Here are my results...

  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Use acetyl-l-carnitine instead of l-carnitine...plain l-carnitine isn't absorbed well when taken orally.

    That's NOT true.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    OK so does anyone have any answers for people who are taking CLA + eating healthy AND exercising?

    I want to read about results from those who eat right and exercise.. has there been any positive results e.g. lost of FAT??? I already take Whey Protein and that hasn't worked for very well even though I strength train and have upped protein intake

    I eat pretty clean 80-90%, do P90X, and have been taking CLA for the last month. In the last 2 weeks, I noticed that the fat in my mid section was slimming down. I measured, and lost 2 inches. My weight dropped 2 lbs, when I previously had hit a plateau for over a month. This is not the only fat I take, I also eat 1 tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil.

    Taking truenature CLA (Costco Brand)-1560 mg per softgel, Made in Germany by Tonalin. I want to say it costs around $30 for a 180 ct bottle.
  • Mslajackson
    Mslajackson Posts: 46 Member
    everyone has their 'take' on what works or don't work.

    You have to do what works best for YOU!!...what works for me won't work for him & vice have to listen to your body & research.
  • grim_streaker
    grim_streaker Posts: 129 Member
    Use acetyl-l-carnitine instead of l-carnitine...plain l-carnitine isn't absorbed well when taken orally.


    As for side effects, used together with diet and training well..... weight loss I guess :)

    These products worked for me anyway, but I have not felt any side effects...