Sixers Turning Up The Heat - WEEK THREE



  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Rhiannon SW 179 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 174.8 lbs PROGRESS - 4.2lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 151.8 PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 192.5 PROGRESS - 2.5 lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 253.4lbs / GW240lbs / CW244.4lbs PROGRESS - 5.2 lbs this week
    Melody (exorcize) SW 215 /GW205 /CW 210 PROGRESS - 5 lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 165lbs PROGRESS +2.5lbs
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 153 lbs PROGRESS +0.8 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 193 PROGRESS +/- 2.0lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 156lbs PROGRESS -2.0lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 193 lbs PROGRESS +/- 7.0 lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW 135/ GW 130/ CW 136 PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Robin (pettmybunny) SW 191/ GW 185/ CW 187 Progress -3 lbs

    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW 220.8 PROGRESS +3.2 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Nikki (nightshadow) SW 154/ GW 125/ CW 151 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs

    Boy does time fly! It seems like it was just the other day that I was posting on week one. And here it is, week 3 already. I'm finding it hard to get back into the swing of things, although the weight is coming off. Only 7 weeks until the cruise. Shoot, I remember when I had 20 weeks, and figured I'd lose 20 lbs. Ummmm.... yeah.... lol I've lost the 20 lbs, but it's been the same 5 over and over....
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Lauryn- Thanks for the congrats. I know I am sooooo happy not to be in the 200's anymore. I lived in those tooo many years of my life. LOL. I can't complain now. Congrats on your first day back to the gym. Though it was TOUGH you made it. Don't forget that. You are a STRONG woman. YAY

    Robin- You made me laugh w/ the same 5 over and over. Now that's a good way to think about it. Enjoy your cruise and live each day in the moment. Proud of you for staying focused and positive.

    Tiff- Enjoy your vacation!!!

    Melynda- 11miles on any day would make me proud for WEEKS. I'm sure your 5k speed isn't that bad. You could always participate without adding it to your PR. Good luck

    Amy- congrats on the big lose. You deserve..... it!!! Enjoy your relaxation

    Martha- congrats on the race/ or good luck if its coming. I can't exactly recall. Old age is killing my recall. LOL

    To all my other sixers!!! I hope life is treating you wonderfully. You all deserve the VERY BEST. Love ya!!!

    As for me, I AM GOING THROUGH CRAZINESS. My ex-boyfriend decided to open a phone bill of mine to find out I have been talking to another guy. DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THE EX- in front of his name. We broke up because he has huge financial issues and I don't think I could stomach it my WHOLE LIFE and we were together 2 yrs and I'm not sure he is the one for me. Now he is 37 and I'm 28 and I know he feels like his world is tumbling but I think I deserve to be happy too. He is a good guy, morally a wonderful guy and he loves me but I don't think that's the only thing you need to be happy. BLAH BLAH BLAH. My heart aches bc I'm sooooo nice and I try my best never to hurt people but sometimes it can't be avoided. I hate that I'm walking away from this being the BAD GUY or worse I may recant and live UNHAPPILY ever after (I doubt it but my soft heart tells me it would make him happy). Just wanted to give you a day in the life of my world. SIGH... I'm off to walk Dylan and then relax. Thanks for listening!!!

    Tamm :flowerforyou:

    P.S. I know I've made a lifestyle change because before this would have sent me into a EATING frenzy but now I can just talk about it. I HOPE WE ALL GET TO THIS POINT TOGETHER AND SOON.

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    It must be a busy day for everyone. In the time I've been here, I've never seen a day where there were no posts at all.

    I had almost stopped exercising since I don't have an exercise bike yet. I started noticing I wasn't feeling as good, had less energy, and wasn't losing as much, so I decided to try 10 min on the treadmill. However, I noticed a couple nights ago that walking as fast as I used to isn't good for me right now. (Duh!! Should have noticed that earlier! :laugh: ) I finally decided not to worry about speed or cals lost on the treadmill. I am going to concentrate on distance instead. My daily treadmill goal right now is 1/2 a mile. It's not much, but even that short distance is really helping me feel more motivated. And I've noticed a small increase in my energy level already.

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    AmyPyr, it is awful quiet.

    I didn't make it to the gym again. I caught some bug. Feels like the flu. No energy for exercising. Just resting. Scottish festival in the mountains this weekend. I'm excited... in a tired way. lol

    Weight is maintaining around 164 or so. That is better than the 167 I saw last week. Hopefully I'll get in a lot of walking and dancing at the Scottish festival.
    Grandfather Mountain Highland Games :smile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies...not feeling so well today. Hoping to get my work done and head home. Been SO tired lately...can't seem to wake up! I think I may be facing this for the remainder of my pregnancy. Oh well. Gotta get to it but hope you all have a good morning!:flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Lauryn - Sounds like a fun weekend! I wish we had time to go. The kids would love Grandfather Mountain. Haven't taken them there yet. I hope you feel better soon.

    Kristin - I hope you feel better soon too. Positive thoughts heading your way that it won't last through the rest of the pregnancy!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    yep... SLOOOOOWWWW times around here!

    Sounds like a fun weekend you've got planned, Lauryn!

    K, I hope you feel better!

    Hi everyone!

    Doing pretty well here. The last few days have KILLED me with TOM cravings but we just hop right back on track, right?? The up side is that at least I'm logging at least 25km a week of running so I can hope to maintain or at least curb big gains in times like these. And when will I learn to stay off the scale around this TOM?! Some months I don't see any change on the scale and some months I'm absolutely heavy for a few days. This is the latter :ohwell: But there it is!

    Good luck over the weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks ladies!:flowerforyou: I actually think I'm gonna head out of here pretty shortly. SO...have a great weekend and I'll check back on Monday!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member


  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    Still doing well on week three. I was fluctuating a bit last week and it eventually started going back down again. I was eating grain products at every meal so I dropped one grain product and replaced it with more fruits and veggies. I think the other issue I was drinking water but nothing else so all of my calories were coming from food and nothing liquid like milk or juice. I added some v8 fusion to my food and more milk and I think that has helped.

    My brother-in-law had a stroke yesterday so it was a pretty busy and dramatic day. He is doing okay and is in ICU. He had paralysis of the right side but he was aleady starting to move that side during the time we were at the hospital so that is a good sign. I am not really close to him but when things happen with my husband's family I usually do chauffer duty and gofer duty but I don't mind... anything if it will help them since they are pretty distraught.

    Well that is about all for this post, I will post again in a couple of day.

    Take care everyone and keep working on your goals.

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello all! It's been a cool weekend here--DH had turned on the fireplace when I got up this morning. LOL... It's been pretty, just cool.

    Lauryn, hope you feel better soon... Summer colds/flu are the worst, aren't they?

    Rhiannon, I am feeling the TOM cravings with you! I usually don't have a TOM, because of the way I do my BC (with doctor's permission), but have been having breakthrough stuff for almost 2 weeks now. I had something similar back in January, and it went for almost 2 months this way, with a week break here and there. Sorry if it's TMI... just wanted to commiserate with the cravings. Last weekend I had two full size hershey bars, and finished off the fun size milky ways (I had that bag since halloween, just having one or two here and there). This weekend, I bought a package of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. And had 4 of them in a 10 minute period:noway: :noway: I have to quit giving in to the temptation!

    Tammy, sorry to hear about your BIL. Strokes can be scary, because you just don't know how much damage happened.

    Kristin, I remember feeling that way towards the end of my pregnancy. Part of it is the heat, as well as the fact that you're lugging some extra kid pounds around. I'm more than willing to send you some of our cool air! I do hope you feel back to yourself soon.

    Tamm, sorry to hear you've got ex issues. I remember when I was younger, I broke up with a guy, and he threatened to kill himself by jumping out of our 2nd story apartment. The drama, the drama... Seriously though, it's good that you know what is important to you. Yes, he's a good guy and all that, but you really do have to consider everything. And financial issues are a biggie. It's one thing if you create them together, but for you to shoulder them coming into a relationship is another thing... My DH assumed all the debt from his first marriage, but had it paid off by the time we were married. And had saved enough that we could pay cash for the wedding. I don't know what your ex's financial issues were, but if you didn't see a reduction after a couple of years, where would he be in 10 or 20? Pats on the back for being wise, and hugs because I know it's hard anyways.

    Hellos to everyone I know I missed!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ... it's been a crazy hectic weekend ... but big time fun. My youngest announced that she and her boyfriend have finally gotten engaged. We spent yesterday checking out possible places to hold the ceremony outdoors and then the afternoon trying on wedding gowns. She's so excited ... they've been together for 7 years now so she pretty much knows what she wants for the wedding ... we just have to make it happen. We have a year to plan so it's all good. I still managed to eat pretty good over the past couple of days with her here but I haven't exercised as much as I normally would have. They've headed back home now to Ottawa so I'll get back to my routine. Hopefully there's no damage on the scale this week but time will tell. :happy:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Ladies,

    I am so glad to find you. Remember me? We'll I hope a few of you do. I was doing great with the sixers a while back, but became overwhelmed with my studies (nursing school) and dropped out of sight for a while. I really missed all of you. Is it ok if I join back in with you again?

    I have regained all that I had lost and need to update my weight and learn how not to let other things completely take over my life (at least the exercise and eating right). I see you are at week 3, how long is this challenge running? My goal for next monday is to be down 2 pounds.

    Have a great day:happy:

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    YAY! Hi Deb!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: Happy to have you back!!!!!:drinker:

    I am TIRED this morning!:yawn: And busy busy! I leave this Friday for Canada for a week with the have SO much to do before I leave. So, if I'm on here scarcely this week, that's why. And then I probably won't get to check in at all next week as we are staying at my grandma's (who has no computer). So...sending lots of good wishes and what-not already***************************

    But I will check back later! Have a good morning!:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I didn't make it to the gym again. I caught some bug. Feels like the flu. No energy for exercising. Just resting. Scottish festival in the mountains this weekend. I'm excited... in a tired way. lol

    Weight is maintaining around 164 or so. That is better than the 167 I saw last week. Hopefully I'll get in a lot of walking and dancing at the Scottish festival.
    Grandfather Mountain Highland Games :smile:

    Today at the doctor's office I weighed in at 172lbs. :noway: 15lbs heavier than my lightest since I've been at MFP. Worse yet, my blood pressure was up, again for the 3rd time in a month. I am really concerned. It was 147/92 at 10:30am. I *am* sick and taking cold medication which raises BP, but I also had HUGE BP issues before dropping my weight. Makes sense that I am worried my BP is skyrocketing along with my weight.


    Still tired and sick. The weekend sucked. No details, just my girlfriend and her 'man drama' eroded my good weekend. Kept me from seeing the games.

    Made it to the gym today. Walked and used the elliptical although nothing spectacular on either. Proud I made it.

    Got offered (and verbally accepted) a temporary position today with my former company. It's much lower pay but it .... #1) is a paycheck, #2) keeps me off unemployment for a while longer, and most importantly #3) gives me back my medical coverage. PHEW. I am not looking forward to it but I will change that mindset tomorrow. Today is a Pity Party Day.

    I hope you guys are doing well. Bothers me that no one is posting. Makes me worry you are all in the same boat I am!!! :frown:

    Wishing you all well and thinking of you...
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello ladies... Just got home from court a while ago. Well, a while ago as in after we were done at court and then talked to our lawyer for another hour after that, then through the drive thru since DH is stressed and wanted to eat crap....

    DH's oldest (14 going on 15) decided that he wants to go live with his mom (this --we think-- comes after her pushing him to make that decision. After some thought, DH had agreed, but in ongoing conversations with his ex, realized that it wouldn't be good for son to live with mom. So, we were in court today about that. It went ok, in that she didn't get him... but we have another court date now for next month, because she doesn't want him to go to the high school in the district in which we live. The next nearest HS is about half an hour away. Is she crazy?!? Then, after the hearing, as we were walking out, the ex was there with her parents, and the son.... and they all started screaming at us. Son looked like he wanted to die. Our attorney requested to be escorted to her car... son was in tears... What a mess. I hate to think what this is doing to his relationship with his father. It's been ok, even though we were opposed to his moving, because DH has really been trying to keep the lines of communication open. But after this, I just don't know....

    So... on to the eating crap... We had Hardees. We both had thickburgers (yummmm) and he and I split fries, with the bigger half going to him. He had a chocolate shake, I was good (well as good as I could be) and had water. My oldest (the only one home--the other boys are at their mom's) had swamp water, and told me I was the best for ordering it... lol Glad small things make him happy.

    So, we just finished eating, rehashed the court stuff and the drama afterwards, and I told DH we should go for a walk or a bike ride. Not sure I can talk him into it... he's on the phone now relaying his day to some other people. Something physical would do him some good.... Me too!

    Hope everyone is doing ok, Lauryn, a job is a job sometimes, right? Take care
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    It's been a it too late to join? I know you are in week three. On June 22nd my father died. Well, he was my grandfather but my grandparents raised me, I consider them parents. This is such a huge heartbreak. I have fallen into depression's just been real hard.

    I DID however get a gym membership and even a personal trainer for a few sessions to help me get back on the horse and to help motivate me.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Its never too late to join in!

    Sorry for your loss:heart:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    The new place for posting this week is at ... See you there!!
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