Hello All!

Hello All,

So first off thank you for reading my post! I'm currently a full time student who also works full time, which means I'm having trouble managing my time. Last May I decided to lose weight and was successful in losing 30 pounds. I didn't notice how much weight I lost until I gained it back. With summer approaching I'm determined to lose weight again, which should be easier without school. The trick is to keep losing weight after school starts back up again in the fall.

I wish you all the luck in accomplishing your goals! I'm sure I'll be hearing good news in the forums. Again thanks for reading.


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Great attitude! Good luck on your weight loss goals. I hope that you learn a lot from the people on this site as well as do some research on your own on how to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet.
  • bando_4_life
    Thanks for the reply. I hope to learn as much as I can.
  • vivekg
    vivekg Posts: 35
    Hey Good luck to u and hope ur successful again in losing that weight and keeping it off. U have a lot of positivity and it should be easier to lose the weight after school is done (Same case is right now with me, so i know lol).
  • bando_4_life
    Thanks for the post, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who gains weight with school. I need to light the fire to get more active, because I want to fit in my pants better!
  • Living4Liz2012
    I know were coming from the last 4 years in college I went from 186 to 268.8( TRUST ME I PACKED IT ON) With school less than three weeks away from being over slowly but surely 80% of that has come off. So that being said with your attitude, and being motivation you got this. Just stay positive, and focused it's you year to shine:) Good luck on your journey, and have fun with it:)
  • bando_4_life
    Thanks so much Elizabeth0512 that is the kind of things I need to keep in mind. Congrats on getting the 80% off, that is awesome! Keep it up!