eating healthy questions..

So I want to start eating right! I've been doing the insanity workout! I'm on the 3rd day of the second month.. Before now I've ate whatever and drank nothing but diet Pepsi! By doing that I've lost 5 inches around my belly button but I'm ready to start seeing more results!! I'm on my 4th day of drinking NOTHING but water and I've tracked the calories of everything I've ate today! All I know to look at is the calories.. What else should I be looking at? How do I know what foods to stay away from by looking at the labels? Thanks for any help?

Oh and any weight loss success stories of drinking water instead of soda OR insanity please feel free to share! I need all the motivation offered.


  • CoachZ12
    CoachZ12 Posts: 1
    I stopped drinking diet pop 4 months ago... And have not gone back. Food tastes better now! It sounds weird but since I incorporated less artificial sweetener and more healthy fruits and veggies stuff that use to taste good (French fries) no longer have their same appeal. I haven't lost my love for dark chocolate or ice cream but it's important to treat yourself every once in a while. I would increase your protien and try and stay away from empty calories. Before you put it in your body ask yourself what is this going to do for me... Hope this helps! Keep up your hard work it's paying off!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Looking to tone, limit the fats (don't cut them out, I'm not saying cut them out), carbs (especially simple sugars), sodium, and sugars and increase the proteins and fiber.

    Awesome foods for me when i was bodybuilding were chicken, turkey, tuna, broccoli, squash (certain kinds, some are high cals and high sugar), celery, sugar snap peas, wheat bread (and similar carbs), sugar-free gelatin, etc.

    Good luck!

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Make sure you eat enough. It's not just about "eating less" to lose weight. You have to be sure you are fueling your body because you want to be healthy through this. Especially with a workout like Insanity. Do not short yourself calories or nutrients!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    generally the foods round the outside of a store are where all the healthy stuff is, all the junk lives in the middle :-)

    For protein - things like lean meats (chicken / turkey breast), 95% lean minced beef, lean steaks, fish, nuts, cheese, greek yogurt, milk , protein shakes
    For fat - olive oil, nuts, nut butters, avocado, cheese
    For carbs - fruit & veg, potatoes, brown rice / pasta / bread, beans, pulses, grains like cous cous / quinoa.
    Aim for 5 servings of fruit or veg a day (fresh / frozen / canned are all good)
    Try and eat most of your food cooked fresh from the above, keep anything that comes in a packet / tin / jar to a minimum as these are usually pretty processed and full of crap.

    I find the easiest way to get my diary right in to plan the night before, you can switch around your meals to see which things fit best together for your allowance. I start with dinner as thats the biggest meal, then lunch, then use breakfast and snacks to make up any shortages.
    eg - if i am having pasta or rice for dinner, that is higher in carbs, so I will have less carbs with my lunch, If i need more protein, ill make something out of chicken for tea etc.
    Once you have got your macros sorted, if you have cals left over you can always add a litlle treat :-)