- for those familiar with it

I'm wondering for those of you that do the workouts on is it enough? I put a lot of effort into it and I always break a sweat but I just don't feel like it's enough of a work out to get me to my goals. Should I add something to it? Like what? I have a baby an no jogging stroller because they are expensive. My husband leaves at 6:30 in the morning and doesn't come home until around 7 at night sometimes later. I usually do at least 3 walks of about an hour each a week with the stroller. We live in Germany and our nearest relatives are in California. We just moved to the area and I am still getting to know people so as of now, no babysitters. I also go to a buggy fit/strollercize class once a week. That's always a killer, last time we did like 50 meters of lunges.

I guess my problem is I am in a plateau and I don't think the food intake is the problem. I think I am not exercising enough. What do you think?

....and sorry, I won't open my diary. I don't like being lectured to about having a slim-fast for breakfast or how humans are not meant to eat beans and rice. If you are really interested and think you can help, my diary is open to friends.


  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    anyone else do workouts?
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    Hi Ava!
    How long have you now been working out/eating to lose weight? Or, whats your goal?

    I'm familiar with bodyrock and think it's brilliant! I haven't done much of the workouts, since I don't have all the equipment. But they are atype of interval(high intensity training, and I do believe, paired with healthy, clean food and perhaps a little extra cardio, they are highly effective!

    For how long haven't you been losing?
    Our bodies are quite hard to understand sometimes, but I'd call it quite normal not to lose a bit every single week!

    Oh and btw, I grew up in Germany, in bavaria, whereabouts do you live? :-)

  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm in Hamburg, way up north. I love Bavaria though. It's so flat up north and I am used to seeing at least some mountains in the distance. I like Garmish-Partenkirchen in the off season. My husband and I avoid crowds.

    I've been steadily losing since mid-feb. I've hit two plateaus but they were over in about two weeks. This one has lasted more than three weeks. My weight is fluctuating I'll gain a pound lose two, gain two, lose 1, etc. this morning I gained 3!!!
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I have been living in Hamburg for 8 years and am planning to move back next year!! So if you need any tips for what to do/where to get things or whatever, let me know!
    Do you eat all your exercise calories back each time? And are you breast-feeding? Breast-feeding takes loads of calories from you and if your under the net-calorie-goal.... you now the story.
  • Red_Alice
    Red_Alice Posts: 4
    I 've been doing bodyrock with a friend since the beginning of this year and have lost 36 pounds so far. Of course, I've also been on a calorie restricted diet, but the workouts, though short, are intense and I'm definitely fitter because of them.
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    I just started Bodyrock, and I'm having the same problem. The workouts are intense, but they're so short it doesn't feel like I'm doing much. Maybe I'll change my mind if I see a difference at the end of the month, but I'm definitely still doing other workouts in addition.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    If you want to mix it up, get a jump rope. There are plenty of routines available online.
  • Microfiber_wechange
    You can also try 30 Day Shred (if you haven't already as everyone on MFP seems to be doing it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ). You can see the full workout on Youtube. It's a 3 level programme. You do each level for 10 days.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    My little one is 10 months old. I'm no longer nursing but not because I don't want to. I had supply issues at 4.5 months postpartum due to thyroid issues. I was able to keep it up for a couple of feedings a day until 6.5 months but my thyroid got the better of me.

    I do eat my exercise cals back. Nearly all of them (I might be 20-60 under my goal) I have it set to 1200 now but I need to readjust that because I am eating about 1400-1600 a day now. I am currently 85.0 kg. I was 84.5 kg Monday (scale day) I started this journey at 92.5 in mid-feb about a month after I stopped nursing my son.

    Since I am home all day I have found quite a bit just taking walks and seeing what's in the area. We don't have much money until I go back to work but eventually I'd like to join a gym and get back to German lessons.
  • tranquilite
    I just started doing workouts today! I plan on follow Lisa-Marie's example and doing her 5 day workouts and 2 active rest days + eating well of course :)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Im looking into it aswell...especially after this week and all those success stories being posted on FB!!

    Where do you guys start? There doesnt seem to be a set plan of what i can see?
  • tranquilite
    From what I understand she posts a workout daily and that's where you start! She doesn't post on the weekends and calls those Active Rest Days but Monday - Friday it's new and cool workouts! I think every now and again she does like a 30 day challenge thing but really all its about is getting on the website and doing the daily workout. :) I don't know if that helps but that is how I am going to approach it until told otherwise.

    Also, you can like them on Facebook and personally I have found that helps the most - because then I see it in my news feed. And don't worry about equipment, I make shift it and get creative around my house to find stuff that will work.
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member

    Yeah i just didnt know if the stuff they post like recently would be ok for a newbie to start at...I have done a fit test and also an earlier workout with the old trainer that used to be on there...i guess thye are all about the same - u do what u can and so on.

    Thinking im going to have to get a interval timer though - as stopwatch on iphone just doesnt seem to cut it lol
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    I just started the 30 day challenge. It was for May, so you would have to go to All Workouts to find them. Some days there is only 1 workout, but some days there are 2 or 3. The days there are 3 it is 36 minutes....plenty long for me considering how intense Lis Marie's are. I think if you stick with it and add some workouts of your choice on the active rest days you will be happy.
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I done one of the old workouts yesterday that were 3 -
    side/jump lunge - 30
    side plank 3
    pushup with jump forward - 3
    repeat for 15 rounds!

    yeah...i got to 7 in 15mins lol - she done it all in 13mins!!

    I then went onto and done some other stuff though...I just find that a bit to slow & boring and im only starting out again so i dont want to quit because its boring me.
    Who knows i might get through it all one day
  • karadawn14
    karadawn14 Posts: 41

    Yeah i just didnt know if the stuff they post like recently would be ok for a newbie to start at...I have done a fit test and also an earlier workout with the old trainer that used to be on there...i guess thye are all about the same - u do what u can and so on.

    Thinking im going to have to get a interval timer though - as stopwatch on iphone just doesnt seem to cut it lol

    not sure if someone replied to this already but you can download an interval timer on your iphone and it works really well!