OMG gained 4 pounds!!!!!



  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Just to let you know Mabohlale you can eat whatever you want but can't turn into the red from what you said..

    Some people can't afford to buy ingredients for the food that they wanna eat. Which is me..

    I am gonna start eating weight watchers. It isn't BAD for you.. It has everything that you can put in your own meal by buying the ingredients yourself.. Have you ever ever read the ingredients or the facts on them? There not bad.. People have lost weight by eating them. I have. You just gotta watch what you eat and that is it.. You gotta read the serving size and not have more then what the serving size says..

    You may want to do some reading about how your body metabolizes different types of food. Yes, you can eat whatever you want - but you won't lose weight as quickly and your body will not get the long, lean, flat belly look that you want by putting junk food into it. Carbohydrates and sugars are metabolized differently by your body than lean proteins and simple carbs like fruits and veggies. It's science. It has to do with how quickly your liver turns foods into insulin and what insulin does to your weight. It's just as cheap to buy bulk quinoa, brown rice and lean proteins as it is to buy processed frozen dinners, french fries and chocolate .... actually cheaper.

    I am not saying that people have not lost weight by eating junk food. I am saying that it will hurt your metabolism, you will not lose weight as quickly, when you do lose weight your body shape will still look flabby, your body will not have the nutrients it needs to perform at optimal levels, etc. She is asking why she was doing all the "right things" and still gained weight. I'm just giving her one option to consider. Try cutting out the junk foods and eating healthy food.

    There are tons and tons of articles and blogs that you can read right here on MFP about the topic. Do some research and give healthy eating a try!
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Here's an example of what I'm talking about :

    The debate was "Is a Calorie a Calorie?" Can someone eat just 1200 calories a day of only candy bars and lose weight?

    Marie says:

    "The person eating the candy bar will burn lean body mass(muscles) along with fat and in the end may lose weight but will do so with a high bodyfat percentage and will be, as referred to in gym circles, as skinny fat. this is just as unhealthy as being obese. a high body fat percentage leaves fat around vital organs. a person eating clean, with proper nutrition and macro nutrients will burn much more fat than lean body mass and will not only lose weight but will also reduce her body fat percentage. at the end of the day it is not your weight that determines your health but your body fat percentage."
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I couldn't diet on ready meals, I'd just be way too hungry all the time! Fresh fruit and veg is full of fibre which combines with the fluids you drink to keep you full for longer and this is also a lot kinder to your bowel than groggy pre-processed foods. I know on a budget it's tempting to buy cheap and hope for the best but with planning you can make batches of soup or stews with ingredients on special offer and make a little money go further in a more healthy way.

    Who really wants to warm up a preprepared meal that was manufactured over a week ago in lots of cases?
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    Too many simple carbs. Try replacing them with complex carbs like brown rice and sweet potatoes.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    And yet another great article and thread on the same topic >>>

    See the link above about how it does make a difference WHAT you eat, not just how much. This is what I finally discovered after YEARS of struggling to lose weight. I get frustrated on here when time and time again I see people saying the only thing that matters is calorie count - doesn't matter what you eat as long as you decrease your calories. Maybe for some of you that's all it takes, but if you are reducing calories and getting nowhere, read the article. I was so excited to see this article that says what I have been trying to convey for months.
