Hello All

I have recently moved over to MFP from weightlossresources and I have to say I am liking it so far. I made some great friends on WLR so I am going to miss that but hopefully MFP will be equally as friendly.

Since February 2012 I have lost 28lbs by just cutting calories which is great but no longer felt the right way for me so as of 30 April I decided to start Intermittent Fasting (the leangains way) and heavy weight training. As a result my scales haven't moved much but I have definitely lost size. A pair of jeans that wouldn't go past my thighs 10 days ago now go up to my hips hopfully in another 10 days I might me able to get them up round my waist.

I started off weighing 212lbs (15st2) and I currently weigh 183lbs (13st1) I would ideally like to weigh between 140 - 150lbs 10st - 10st10 but with 20% bodyfat (its currently about 34%)

Anyway that's me :) look forward to speaking to fellow losers :)


  • Wow, you're doing really well. Well done on your loss so far and good luck with the rest of it. xx