why do you wanna lose weight?



  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    i want to look good in clothes
    and i am doing it for my health ( cancer, diabetes, and blood clots run high in my family)
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    While I mainly love the feeling of being healthy, it honestly is probably not my main motivator. I do think I care a little too much about how I look and how attractive I am to others. I guess whatever works as motivation!
  • jl20whyd
    jl20whyd Posts: 79 Member
    There are a ton of reasons, but my top priortty is to be in the best health I can so that I can have another baby!
  • sunshinedazed
    A million reasons! To make my ex look like a bigger fool than he already does - ha! - to shop in "normal" stores and not pay what I call the "fat tax" on plus size clothes. To be healthy and keep up with my son. To ride a roller coaster again because my fat *kitten* isn't gonna fit :(

    But mostly so that when a guy likes me, I can believe it's me he likes. The last four guys I've dated have reminded me constantly (read, any time I mention wanting to get healthy, being frustrated with my weight, etc) that they "love fat chicks" and I'm "perfect"! Thanks, but I'd rather just be liked for who I am, not the fact that I'm unhealthy and overweight O.o
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    first, for my heath. I need to get my cholesterol under control and my last blood test came back as "pre-diabetic" and i need to get that under control

    secondly, I want to look better - i am short and losing my hair - i can't contril those. This I can.

    Finally, I am a cheapskate and don't want to buy new clothes.
  • seasons01
    seasons01 Posts: 14
    health and I don't like the clothes I have to buy.
  • Tappy72
    Tappy72 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you. :smile:
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    LoViNlIFe0225 Posts: 121
    My hubby and I want to have a baby :happy: and I don't want to have to worry about losing the baby weight + that extra 10-15 lbs...I'd like to lose the 10-15 lbs now and only have to worry about losing the baby weight when that time comes.
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    I just want to feel good about myself again. Also by eating healthy and drinking my water i am hoping to slow down the aging process as well. But feeling good and healthy is my main priority.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I have a million reasons why I want to loose weight.
    I want to be around to see my 2 nephews Conner and Mason grow up. I enjoy being around them.
    I want to look better and feel better about myself. I don't have very much self esteem or self confidence.
    I want to healthy. My mother has type 1 diabetes and my dad has type 2 diabetes and is now on dialysis. And I don't want to end up like that and be a burden on my family.
    One of these days when not if but when I loose this weight I want to know what it's like to wear a bikini and fit into a pair of skinny jeans. I want a brand new wardrobe.
    To also get revenge on my ex husband I wanna loose all this weight send him a picture of the new me and say "This is what you gave up and what you could've had.
    And if the time comes and I meet the right person I want to have a little one of my own.
  • melmiller91
    melmiller91 Posts: 17 Member
    1. To be and feel healthy
    2. To learn how to not let food control my life
    3. I really want to join the military (2 pounds away, erg)
    4. To overall just be happy with myself and have more confidence :)
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    nope, doing it for myself to feel better and be more confident, he likes me the way i am.
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    I wanna lose weight to stay cancer free!!! I am a one year survivor. :happy:

    Congrats!! So happy for you!!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I want to be the girl that all the other guys always wanted me to be, but that my husband deserves.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    So that no one can ever tell me that I'm "not good enough" again.
  • Ctripp86
    Ctripp86 Posts: 45
    I want to look great and feel great about myself.
    I want to be able to take off all of my clothes, stand in front of a full length mirror and smile about what I see.
    I want my husband to always find me sexy. I want him to want to jump me every time he sees me :-)
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Nope, nothing to do with attracting anyone.

    I just wanted to avoid DYING for a few more years! :-)
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Honestly, I want to be that woman that men look twice at. And, not because I have a big butt but because I am attractive.
    I also want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. So, yes there are health reasons but the primary one is to self-esteem issue.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I have a culturally-indoctrinated obsession with the number on the scale.

    That's the God's honest truth.

    I have had many people tell me "you don't need to lose weight!" My doctor says I'm healthy and I do tend to look lighter than I am.

    I just want to get my scale below freaking 150 because I have a vain complex about it. Sad, but true!