do pics of pretty people motitvate u



  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    Not photos of celebrities.

    But of women who have similar body shapes to mine and who work hard to be fit. Fitness models, random successful people on the interwebs.

    Sure, I'd love to have the body of ScarJo - but I'm never ever going to look like her so I'd never use a photo of her as motivation.

    The girl with the big muscular butt and thighs in my profile photos? Absolutely. That's more realistic for me and my body shape.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I am motivated by pics of me when I was thin. That's ME in the pic and I have been there before, I can do it again. I am also motivated by pics of me when I wasn't thin. I don't ever want to go back there again. Seeing a pic of a model just makes me feel like I could never achieve that look.
  • Royaltvii
    Royaltvii Posts: 160 Member
    It depends on my day. If I am really down on my self the last thing I want to see is fitness models and airbrushed abs...on other days when I am pumped up I don't mind looking at them, whether realistic or not, it helps me to fight harder to lose the weight and work out. I guess I am like you and undecided.
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    Right now I carry around a picture of myself from about 5 years ago when I was at my lowest weight. That is my inspiration because I was once there and I know I can get there again. (I am currently size 12-14 and my lowest size 6-8)
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    The pics that REALLY get me motivated and hopeful are those of people right here on MFP -- normal folks who, through discipline over many weeks, or months, or even years, persevered and reached their goals. I love seeing these success stories. Definitely makes me feel like "If they can do it, I can too."

    Seeing photos of celebrities who have likely been beautiful and slender all their lives, or (as others have commented), have the luxury of personal trainers, personal chefs, unlimited $$$, photoshopping, and even plastic surgery? NOT SO MUCH. :yawn:

    All that said, whatever motivates YOU, use that. If it's a pic of some celeb, more power to you!
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    Pics of celebrities kinda make me sick. Photoshopped, tweaked, crash diets, surgeries, hair done, make up done, expensive clothes, fake smiles, ugh...

    what does motivate me...seeing older pictures of me. ones that i can see unhappiness in my face and on my body, then comparing them to current pictures. happy, healthy, motivated, stronger.

    Pictures of real people doing it the hard and real way, help motivate me as well. everyone on here who earns that sweat while working out and who eats right and doesnt take the short cuts...those people motivate me every day.

    pictures on here and storys and support from my mfp are more motivating than those of the celebrities out there.
  • beccca_daniel
    Hey guys, my name is Amber. Some o fyu will have seen the thread I posted earlier which got deleted. I just want o let you guys in on a bit of information. I am a loyal and faithful christian to the Lord, and Jesus christ and also an animal lover. This is why I am a vegetabletarian. There is a girl on this site who goes by the name Sophiebee92. Please do not be friends with her. She is a prostitute. Last year my bf made 1 million dollars reviewing and directing pornos. And he says he has seen her in one. Also I am on this site to be honest and respectful so it makes me mad when people lie about their bodies. This girl 100% has fake boobs, I can tell. Plus my dad is one of the top 3 plastic surgeons in the country and he told me. She is also on steriods, that is how she has muscles. I respectfully warn all of you that she has sold these to, please don't take them. Having muscle kills girls.

    Plus what cheerleader and blonde girl like her have you ever seen who is not a complete *****. It is obvious that the only reason she is on this site is to sell her body. Now that is not ok with me. If you want a friend like her just go to the grocery store and by yourself a Barbie doll, its the same thing!!

    Also I want to warn you about some of her other friends too. One of them personally told me in a pm that her family are thieves. Another one called me a ***** and two of them were in pornons with her. Some o fthe most insulting comments were from cannonsky, delco, glamour60xtreme, becca_daniel, grapenutsf to name a few! All because I tried to give a little constructive criticism

    Also I urge you guys to please help me get her banned. Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant evening!!



  • ann2012evans
    I think I find the before and after pics on this site more motivating too