working out/ eating follow-up

last week I asked this question in the message board:

is it better to wait to eat after your workout or can i eat before

(kinda shortened and to the point) anyway
... and i got a bunch of different answers and also a link to a similar question that had a bunch of answers.

SO I decided to go to a good source and was hoping he'd give me the correct info, which he did and I decided to pass it onto you. I messaged Bob Harper (trainer from the biggest loser) on facebook and asked him the exact question I posted in here. Him, along with another girl, answered the question. I thought I'd post it in here to help clear up for anyone who was wondering or anyone else in the future:

*****THE QUESTION*****

Rachel Odegard at 11:18am July 1 :
hello Bob, I have a question for ya...

a friend of mine who used to be a personal trainer at a gym once gave me the advice to not eat for an hour after I've workout because I'm still burning calories for that hour.

So, I've been following that... buttt...

I workout as soon as I wake up in the morning before I eat or do anything else.. my problem is that I start getting supppperrrr hungry like a half hour after I'm done working out.

Is what he told me true or is it OK if I eat breakfast. I know breakfast is important and sometimes if I sleep in late, I dont get to my breakfast until 10:30 some days. I know that breakfast is very vital to weightloss and whatnot so I need some advice/help please

*****THE ANSWER*****

Samantha Russell at 12:42pm July 1:
You can still be burning calories 38 hours after a work out (EPOC) so that sounds a bit like silly advice. Post workout nutrition is very important you need it to repair muscle and refill stores. It should be high carb/protein, low fat. In fact you should try to get PWO nutrition within the hour after working out!

Bob Harper at 9:49am July 2:
Samantha is exactly MUST eat right after your workout because your body needs the nutrients to help the recovery and rebuilding process.


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    awesome! thanks for sharing!!
  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    Anyone have suggestions on a good high carb/protein, low fat post workout snack??
  • plm209
    plm209 Posts: 222 Member
    So cool glam! I've often wondered this myself because my brother (super fit) always works out after he eats and never before. I hate working out on a full stomach and I always drink my protein (GNC AMPlified Wheybolic extreme 60, 1/3 serving) right after. That all important 20min post-workout window. :drinker:
  • plm209
    plm209 Posts: 222 Member
    Anyone have suggestions on a good high carb/protein, low fat post workout snack??

    I use a protein shake that has at least 20g protein so its low fat and mid carb. Then I eat about an hour after my workout. Usually grilled chicken breast with brown rice.
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Anyone have suggestions on a good high carb/protein, low fat post workout snack??

    i was told bananas were good for after using your muslces. that was at my gym then they told me to buy loads of this protein stuff and i was like i'll stick with the banana
  • ColinQ
    ColinQ Posts: 76
    Would a tin of rice pudding be okay because that goes down quite nicely. I was once told not to eat before going to the gym but if your really hungry have a small snack size rice pudding.:bigsmile:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I usually have a snack about 4... then go to the gym about 5.30... after work.. then i have dinner about 7ish depending on when i've finished my workout

    tonight im heading straight home.. having dinner asap and then going to the gym around 8.30 for a late night workout... Glass of milk after a workout does the trick for me.. :o) (BTW Dinner tonight is a salmon fillet with loads of green veg) :drinker: AND LOADS OF WATER AsPerUsual!
  • pammiles47
    pammiles47 Posts: 36
    Thanks! That is very good to know!!:drinker:
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    chocolate milk or a Slim Fast are great options post workouts
  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    Thanks for the ideas!