All those who are under 160lbs

Hello - I wanted to hear from users who are 160lbs or say 170lbs. Basically those who don’t have loads to lose. (Sorry it seems mean to exclude others, but I’m trying to hear from people who are similar to me) The reason why I’m specifying this group of people, is I know it’s harder to lose the pounds once you’re within your BMI, The advice from forum members who have a lot more to lose is not always applicable to me.

I’m 153lbs and 5ft5. I run on average 12 miles a week and do fitness DVDs here and there. I’m not overweight, despite being slightly over my BMI, I have quite an athletic build, but still I’d like to go down to about 145lbs…so from a size 12/14 to a perfect 10 :laugh:

I’ve read so much advice on this site. Stick to your 1,200 calories a day and eat back exercise calories. Or, NEVER ever eat below your BMR –(Mine is 1,480 calories). I’ve read about starvation mode, I’ve read starvation mode is a myth. I’ve seen a group that states you must eat more to lose more…it goes on and on. :noway:

I did feel 1,200 was too low – even with eating exercise calories back. This just made me plateau. So I’ve upped by calories to 1,700 which is still a deficit of about 500 calories off my TDEE. When I exercise I always make sure I NET my BMR which is around 1,480 calories.

I haven’t given it time to see if this tactic works, I don’t think I’ve put on weight, but I wanted to hear from other people within my weight range and hear what works for them. I don’t want to keep confusing my body by constantly changing my routine, and also, I don’t want to eat more and gain more!!

Any feedback tips would be great, and confirmation that I’m doing things very wrong :sad: or very right!!! :wink:


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Well, I'm under 160lbs but still plenty overweight - depending on people's heights, you might not get the people you want here! You might try searching the groups for people with similar goals. is one, but I'm sure there are more.

    With regards to the calorie intake, I think you've hit the nail on the head when you mention that you haven't given it time yet. Give it at least a few weeks and don't panic if you gain slightly. Check out As long as you're under your TDEE you'll start losing again. My experience - I am currently eating at "maintenance" (ie. what I thought was my TDEE) for a few weeks, and after a 2 lb gain that lasted a few days, I'm down 2 lbs from before I upped the cals. I definitely think you're on the right track by eating more, especially as you've not got much to lose. Just be patient and keep at it!
  • Thannks for that! very helpful - And yes I will give it time :yawn:

    I checked out the the group - not that heavy girls - and have reposted there also.

    Cheers, and well done on your progress! its amazing.
  • b1wils
    b1wils Posts: 5
    We're about the same height -- I'm fairly athletic and in-shape and don't "appear" overweight, but as I started approaching 170, I couldn't claim it was all muscle and some of it -- a lot of it -- was fat. My base calories is 1310. I've been eating 1600-1800 on weekdays and 2000-2400 on weekends, which are my more lax days. I do some sort of activity everyday. 4-5 gym sessions including cardio and heavy weights, plus lots of walking and activity on the weekend. I've lost 1.5 a week. My TDEE is close to 2700, which means I run a deficit of 800 -1000 on week days and closer to 200-500 on weekends -- about 5100 a week deficit. Mathematically, that comes out to about exactly what I've lost, a pound and a half a week. Losing weight is math and exercise. Everything else is just excuses!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Well, you sound a lot like me...I'm 5'7, 165, 27% I have about 120 lbs of lean mass.

    I wear a 10/12.

    I have been this weight size for many, many years now. (I graduated high school at 165, but I would like to know my bf% then).

    I would *love* to be around 155, 22% BF.

    I am one of those people that no one ever guesses their weight correctly. Most people think I weigh 145.

    You might want to join the group "Eat More Weigh Less". There are two amazing moderators to that group that have great information!
  • ehoganallison
    ehoganallison Posts: 13 Member
    I could have written your post, except I am 5'6" and 150. I've tried all those thingsnyou mentioned and I've driven myself crazy. I decided to up my calories to losing .5/week, and quit worrying about exercise calories. If I need them, I'll know they are there. I think I got to a point where I was making it too complicated. At this point (after losing 90 pounds) I just want to enjoy myself and not sweat over all numbers. And hopefully removing the stress will remove a few extra pounds to make size 6/8 fit perfectly! Please add me-I love friends with similar stats and goals. :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i started around that weight and i'll tell you the one thing that has worked for me was eating more than the recommended 1200 and trying to only lose about 1 lb a week. also i did some exercise that combined cardio and strength. first thing i did was jillian michaels 30 day shred. then i did some of her other ones and i lost 25 lb total. i am now doing insanity and getting my fitness level to a higher level with that. i am really enjoying it. i started at a size 10 and down to a 4. i have never worn this small a size even when i weighed the same. i think it is due to the combination of strength and cardio (i just did cardio before) and i eat a lot of protein now (try to shoot for 90g). oh and i am 5'4"
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    FWIW, I'm 5'5 and 133 lbs. I started at 140 45 days ago. My goal is set to 1530, and I don't always eat my exercise calories, which I need to do. I'm actually working on eating more to get closer to netting my calorie goal. I try to eat 40/30/30, C/P/F most days. I am trying to eat enough to fuel my workouts without triggering thousand calorie plus binges, so I graze during the day.

    I have a tiny frame and a fairly high body fat percentage, so I can lose more weight, but I don't care about the scale as much as my size and body fat. I workout 5-6 days a week. I am now doing 3 days of progressively heavier weights alternated with 2 days of intense cardio. My 6th workout day is usually yoga, stretching, light cardio or an extra rest day.
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm 5'2 and was 154lbs two weeks ago (my scale broke) If i only eat 1200 i don't lose anything. A friend I made on here helped me out and told me to up my daily calories to 1320, I've lost weight since taking her advice. Every body is different so whatever works for one person may not work for another. Try different approaches and stick with what works for you. Many people become very passionate about what works for them and push it but were all different. Listen to your own body. Good Luck!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I went from 170lbs to 135lbs in 4 months. Not the most weight anyone's ever lost, but it was a significant difference to me. I ate 1200 calories a day and while I lost the weight, if I had to do it again, I would increase to 1400 calories because I was active 5-6 days a week and I realize that at a 1200 calorie goal, I was eating way too little. And I would regularly go under.

    I think your goal of netting your BMR in calorie intake will work really well. I hate the idea of "eating back calories" because it sounds really negative. Like you, I prefer to look at a NET calorie goal. That's what MFP is designed for, so you don't have to worry about things like "eating back calories". You just see how far you are from your goal based on what you've eaten or how you've exercised, and try to match it.
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    I'm 140 just now, and was on 1200 but I've been below that all this week and haven't eaten back my exercise calories.
    Just calculated my BMR and it's 1450!

    I'm confused now...I wouldn't say I've been hungry but should I be eating more?
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Wow- it's as if we could be twins lol!

    I'm 5' 5 also, and currently 155lbs. Oh, and I'll be 43 in a few weeks. AND I'm shooting for 145lbs too!

    I lost the bulk of my weight (started at 180) in summer/fall of 2010 and
    have pretty much maintained @155 since. However, recently I have decided
    to drop a little more and work on my least favorite areas(inner thighs, hips, and lower belly).

    I go to the gym everyday over my lunch hour, and work out with a trainer 1-2 times a week.
    He has me shooting for 1500 calories a day, but for the past few weeks, the scale is not doing
    much of anything. (I must admit, I have been kinda sloppy with the eating like forgetting to track
    things now and then, and so of my portions are not weighed/measured accurately.)
    I lost 1 lbs 2 weeks ago, and 1/2 lb this past week.

    He is changing up my workouts and tweaking my diet- with that and a little patience, I'm hoping
    to see MEASUREABLE results soon lol!

    -More water (1/2 gallon- gallon a day)
    -Protein 100g + a day
    -low, slow cardio 2-3 times a week 45-60min
    -more fish
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I am 5'10" and started at 168 lbs, so also don't have "all that much" to lose - for me it's more about fitting into the clothes that have started getting too tight than actually how much I weigh.

    I also noticed that 1200 wasn't enough if I didn't have time to exercise that day, but now I'm aiming for 1650 (or something, I just go by what number mfp tells me I have left for the day :P) and actually it isn't a lot less than I would normally eat in a day, just makes me realise more what is actually in what I'm eating.

    I'm not losing very much weight, but I know that if you have less to lose, it tends to go slower. It's just frustrating!
  • Brevans04
    Brevans04 Posts: 18
    We are basically the same weight and heigh. Im 5'5 152 SAHM, So i go to the gym 2 maybe 3 times a week and do Wii Active with a HRM at home 2 days. But lately I've hit my plateau, even my fiance notices. He asks me my weight every once in a while and noticed Ive only lost 1 pound in the past 2 weeks instead of my normal 3-4. He said to quit eating junk, but Im afraid of "dieting" then going back to how I eat now and then gain it back. I eat normal, some junk some healthy, bad days and good and I dont deprive myself. But like you I stay within my 1300 calories and eat back my exerscie calories. I just uped my weight training this week bc Ive stuck mainly to cardio these 3 months of trying to lose so maybe the change will reflect in my weight. Cross fingers.

    I'm currently a size, pretty muscular and lean in my arms and legs, I just have leftover baby pouch and weight in my tummyy and hips. Everywhere else I look so much thinner. They say it takes 9m - 1yr for you hips and tummy to look more normal and every month it looks better so Im hoping this is the case also.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Currently (and at goal) I'm 155, 5'11 and 33 years old. I've been buying 6/8 pants and small shirts. I still feel I need some fat trimming (I'm about 23% I think, according to my scale). I started at 190 and for someone of 5'11 I had a BMI of 26.5 (so overweight but not horribily overweight). I'm pretty sure this is the lowest weight I've been as an adult. My BMI is now 21.6. I'm typically around 170-175 and a size 10/12. That's my normal. But I feel really good at this weight and plan to make this my "new normal". There are a lot of people around that just want to lose 10-15 pounds and are still within a normal BMI. Add me if you'd like!
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I am 5'8", 155 and in the normal BMI range but have some left to lose. I have noticed since I entered into the normal BMI range the loss is much harder and slower. I plan my meals, stay away from processed foods, keep my protein high and avoid sodium (try to stay under 1,500 per day), keep my calories in check and hit the gym at least 5x per week (lifting 3x per week). If I do all of the above I might lose 1-2 pounds a week and then nothing for a week (or two weeks) then lose again. It is very hard and slow to lose the last several pounds. If I fall back on any of the above I tend to lose nothing. Sodium is a huge player in my weight loss; If I could offer one piece of advice, it would be to limit your sodium intake and eat fresh foods!! It won't happen overnight but just keep your head up and stay focused; it will come off in its own time!
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    You sound like my twin. I'm 5' 5",158 pounds. I want to get down around 140. I run about 20 miles a week and do Jillian's No more Trouble Zones. I also work out with a few really tough ladies doing circuit training. I want lose the jiggle in my middle and see my legs slimmer and my arms stronger. My size is 8 now. But I want to be a 6. Add me if you'd like. Sounds like we are close to the same goals.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I'm 5' 5" I'm at 138 but I started at 232....and I want to get to 125
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    5ft 3 here and (last I weighed) 151lbs. I started working out when I was 164lbs. I'm actually aiming lower than I think I can achieve, with a target of 129lbs.

    I think my main advice is to not put a limit on your changes. This is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix, so if you don't see the numbers coming off, try something different. Measure yourself more frequently. I haven't yet hit a plateau, but I've been eating 1500cals a day (300 added on for breastfeeding) and I might need to see a nutritionist when I stop feeding my daughter to make sure I'm eating the right amount.
  • Desired4life
    Desired4life Posts: 14 Member
    When I joined this website I was 161 and I'm now 153 and I'm 30 years old about 5'6". I was following the 1200 calories up until recently now I'm trying to find a better calories intake. Other members posted a group I'm going to look into that as well. I'm doing Zumba and Pilates just about everyday now and it seems to be working. Since it is getting warm out I'm going to start running. My goal is to reach 140.
  • Eireann15
    Eireann15 Posts: 124
    I'm 5'7" and about 157-160 right now. I would like to get down to around 145-140 probably! I need some advice on some of these things. I never know how much I should really eat. I've been hanging around this weight (within a few pounds) for a long time! I started at 181. I'm close to being at the very top of the healthy BMI, and I have also noticed it is tough to lose.