What motivated you to start doing cardio?



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I didn't set one foot on a treadmill and I lost 40lbs.

    Running is not for everyone. In fact, in terms of cardiovascular exercise, it's not really that efficient. If you don't want to run on a treadmill, then don't. If you are exercising just for the sake of exercising and hating every minute of it, then weight loss and weight maintenance will always be a struggle. Strive to become a more active person in your everyday life (riding bikes and hiking are some of my personal favorite things to do), and as for weight loss, look into taking a class for a sport that you might enjoy. Martial arts was the silver bullet for me so I'd highly recommend that. Also, having a class schedule is motivating.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Finding something you love to do. I love doing Zumba, so for me, cardio is the easy part. I know that strength training is very important and will have a lot of benefit, but unfortunately, it is harder for me to do sometimes.
  • About 4 and a half years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. I started riding a stationary bike thinking that if I lost a few pounds it wouldn't hurt. I ended up losing 45 pounds and my levels atm are at a non-diabetic level. I have since added strength training but I still do my cardio just about every day.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    What motivated me to START doing cardio?

    The promise that more exercise would let me EAT MORE!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I was just asking the OP what his goals were, if it is weight loss cardio is not needed, so if he doesn't enjoy it he doesn't have to do it. You can increase your heart health in other ways by getting your HR up (i.e. circuit training with weights)

    I agree. I'm a big proponent of cardio because it's the easiest (least technical and most approachable) way to increase heart health and increase body function efficiency.

    But it is "weight loss crack". It burns calories in the immediate term, but decreases the overall burn of calories in the long term. The advantage being that a more efficient body is a less hungry body, so you can keep the weight off by simply eating less.

    At some point, and especially if you're a big lover of eating such as myself, you'll pretty much want to add some strength training in and get some muscle under that slimmer "you" so you can keep the weight off. It also further expands the number of things you can do - I can hike briskly up a mountain but I want muscle to be able to support a 60-pound backpack to hike the 100-mile wilderness, for example.

    But cardio is a great way to START weight loss, it's easy, and once your energy levels are up and your cardiovascular system is running more efficiently and you're less injury-prone it's a lot easier and more approachable to start in on weights (which I am just now starting to work on).
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    What motivated me to START doing cardio?

    The promise that more exercise would let me EAT MORE!

    Well, there's that too. (grin)
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    like Classicbdw, i have to say diabetes (though in my case it appears to be insulin resistance - but when i was 220 it was functionally diabetes). I still don't like it, i have ALWAYS likes lifting weights much more, but i think you have to be balances and do a lot of different stuff or you get into a rut - mentally and physically. I've found that "bootcamp" style aerobic stuff is somehow not so bad, or stuff that combines weights and a little bit of cardio like 30-day shred. I still hate jogging and i'm not good at it but i feel amazing accomplishment whenever i do it and i can doa bit more every time.

    It's like eating better, you just pull up your damn pants and do what you have to do. eventually you don't hate it as much, you even find stuff you really like. You can't change your whole lifestyle all at once sometimes or it becomes too overwhelming - take it a bit at a time.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I had the classic encounter with the m.d. who wanted to put me on all kinds of medication - blood pressure, etc. I had no insurance at the time so I asked if I could get healthy with diet and exercise and he said yes, but that most people don't stay with it so he strongly recommends medication. That was six years ago. I decided right there in his office to show him that I could do it, with the biggest problem being that I didn't like exercise - at all. So I found exercise that I enjoy; mountain biking (fun, like being a kid again!), road biking (helps me lose weight like nothing else and build tremendous cardiovascular fitness), and trail running (this one was harder, I was no runner but I always loved being in the woods.) So for me it was the combination of a push from my doctor and finding cardio that I enjoy. If I had to do my cardio indoors I would probably fail, I just can't stand it! But my inherent love of the outdoors helped me find very effective exercises that I truly love to do. At this point I would continue my cycling and running just for fun even if there was no health or fitness benefit - but I certainly didn't start out this way. Even the exercises that I love were hard at first. One has to build a base fitness level before the enjoyment comes (except for mountain biking - that was fun from day one!) My m.d. now says that I am his greatest success story ever. I don't bother to remind him that he didn't encourage me since he didn't believe that I could do it!
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    trying on a bikini :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    You don't have to run on a treadmill. My cardio is hiking - nothing gets your heart pumping like climbing up the side of a mountain! I also really enjoy riding my bike. Every now and then, I'll do a step workout at home in my basement, but primarily the great outdoors is my cardio playground.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    What motivated me to START doing cardio?

    The promise that more exercise would let me EAT MORE!

    HAHA! I love it!
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member
    I'm generally *decent* with cardio during the summer time (I live in Boston, so summer is not that long). Every year I'd go on 5-6 respectable hikes, kayaking, sailing and recently have started doing 30 mile bike trails twice a month.

    Strictly as a cardio endurance perspective, does it matter if you do all your cardio one day a week instead of 20+ mins daily? I reckon my weekend one day cardio is more streneous than if I did them on an alternate day basis.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Why are you looking to do cardio?

    Cardio is great for endurance and heart health, but not needed for weight loss, as it just allows you to eat more and maintain the same caloric deficit you can get from diet alone.

    'Cause who wants endurance and a healthy heart, right?

    Forget the cardio, OP!

    It would be grand to have great strength and yet collapse whilst trying to run for the bus..... now then, which bodybuilder was it that said that......
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Funny thing with cardio is that it doesn't feel "good," necessarily, when first starting cardio if you are out of shape. Pick something you enjoy, to get started. For me, a nice big hiking trip is a fun, fun way to get it going...I Love to hike! What would be an activity that is cardiovascular, that you would love? Scrambling all over the rocks at the ocean at low tide? And letting the waves chase you on the shore while you play with friends or children? You'll be so delighted by your surroundings you won't realize your body has been working out! Have fun, then pretty soon you will crave the awesome feeling of working out and won't mind a basic run or trip to the gym.
  • rmarie1017
    rmarie1017 Posts: 58 Member
    I never liked cardio. I used to say that the only time you'll see me running is if it's for my life. After I quit smoking and could actually breathe like a normal person again, I decided to give it a try again. While it's still not my favorite thing, I don't hate it like I used to. It is also very motivating to see how much my endurance has improved since I quit.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    You don't have to run on a treadmill. My cardio is hiking - nothing gets your heart pumping like climbing up the side of a mountain! I also really enjoy riding my bike. Every now and then, I'll do a step workout at home in my basement, but primarily the great outdoors is my cardio playground.
    Oh, yess!
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member
    Just an overall desire to be able to do more and have more energy.

    Cardio builds stamina and makes the body function more efficiently. It also burns a lot of calories.

    The only real downside to cardio is that, well, it makes the body function more efficiently. Meaning you are burning fewer calories at rest. It's like weight loss crack - once you start it it becomes less and less effective for weight loss and you have to do more and more of it to maintain the same weight loss. Once you build up your stamina, though, you'll find strength training easier along with everything else in life. :)

    I can hike briskly up a mountain now, but I burn fewer calories doing so than when I weighed 280 and could only manage to stagger up the mountain. But I enjoy the view a lot more and don't need to eat as much food to support the hike. :)

    If I'm being honest, this was also part of the reason I was/am lazy with cardio.
  • jwlav
    jwlav Posts: 31
    I hated cardio until i started doing Muay Thai. Cardio for kickboxing is crazy! And its fun. It makes you want to be in the best shape so you dont get your *kitten* whooped! Now that is motivation
  • derbylea
    derbylea Posts: 22
    I like how I feel when I am done. Which should not be confused with I like cardio- but I do like the way I feel after.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    It wasn't so much motivation to do cardio - I'm a girl that likes to lift, not run - but I did find a way to CONVINCE myself to walk, run or get my sweat on with the eliptical. See, I love this podcast called "Stuff You Should Know" (and it's free!) but I never get any time to myself to listen and enjoy it. I realized that cardio is ideal for that - slap on my headphones, push 'play' and i'm just peachy jogging or whatever until the podcast ends. It keeps my mind engaged and distracted so I'm not counting down the freakishly long minutes until I'm finished. I get bored with cardio like nobody's business but the podcast keeps me entertained and I learn all kinds of things, which is right up my nerdy alley!
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