Scale Hasn't Moved In 3 Weeks.... Opinions Please



  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    This is probably sad but most of my focus was on calories and sodium. I never even noticed that I have been going over my fat. I was try and focus on all of my Macros. Thank you for pointing that out :)

    I am not a big potato person. I will rarely order them at a restaurant and I dont ever cook them. I make mashed potatoes because there easy and there in the house (not for long) lol
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    I just did the exact same thing for a month...I didnt lose anything. I kept going over in sodium you have to watch all these processed foods has a ton of sodium in it. I changed that last week and dropped 4lbs in a week : ) Goodluck!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Do you wear a heart rate monitor? You may be eating too much. I suggest eating back half of your exercise calories and cutting down on the cardio.

    ALSO, check body fat percentage! You may be getting smaller but it won't show on the scale. Water weight can also play a large role. Make sure you weigh yourself after a rest day because sore muscles retain water to heal.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Drink lots of water... try to get more protein. Keep at it. Lots of people on 30DS don't lose ANY pounds but their inches drop dramatically and you can definitely tell from before/after pics. I can't count the number of success posts I've seen where people say they only dropped a pound or two, but they look drastically more toned and smaller.

    I haven't tried it myself but I just ordered some Killian Michaels DVDs because Groupon was offering a set. Watch this space for a toned T-rex in the future. Good luck.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks you for your great advise. I will look at my calorie intake and how much sugar I am taking in :)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I have my Macros set to 40% Carbs, 30% Protein, and 30% fat. I had it said to 30/40/30 but alwyas went over my carbs (although I hardly eat bread or pasta). I am happy with my Macros (except for my sodium that I always seem to go over).

    I hope Im gaining muscle because this plateau is starting to get very discouraging.

    if you're only doing the shred I doubt you are gaining muscle. It takes a calorie surplus or maintence to put on muscle mass--->and that is when lifting HEAVY weights. girls simply just don't put on muscle mass that easily.

    I'm willing to say that it is water weight and the fact that you may be eating too much. I think you should eat back exercise calories, but not ALL of them.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    Do you wear a heart rate monitor? You may be eating too much. I suggest eating back half of your exercise calories and cutting down on the cardio.

    ALSO, check body fat percentage! You may be getting smaller but it won't show on the scale. Water weight can also play a large role. Make sure you weigh yourself after a rest day because sore muscles retain water to heal.

    I was looking into a heart rate monitor but havent bought one yet. I swim alot and wanted to get one that is waterproof for the pool. I am also reading NROLFW but I wanted to lose anoth 10lbs before starting to lift.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
  • If you haven't done any weight training I would suggest that along with any cardio. Plus switching your workouts may help. I also agree with the sodium. It wrecks my body something awful if I don't watch it.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    I have my Macros set to 40% Carbs, 30% Protein, and 30% fat. I had it said to 30/40/30 but alwyas went over my carbs (although I hardly eat bread or pasta). I am happy with my Macros (except for my sodium that I always seem to go over).

    I hope Im gaining muscle because this plateau is starting to get very discouraging.

    if you're only doing the shred I doubt you are gaining muscle. It takes a calorie surplus or maintence to put on muscle mass--->and that is when lifting HEAVY weights. girls simply just don't put on muscle mass that easily.

    I'm willing to say that it is water weight and the fact that you may be eating too much. I think you should eat back exercise calories, but not ALL of them.

    Thanks for the advise :)
    I usually swim 5 days a week which burn between 500-600 calories, do 30DS in the morning, and run.
    I will look at how many calories I am taking in and adjust my intake.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    First of all, I think it's great that you are actually reading everyone's responses and taking them into consideration (gets aggravating to read posts where someone asks for help and then argues with everyone) :).

    Secondly, don't weight til you lose the last ten pounds to start lifting. Lifting is awesome!!!! Lifting will help you lose the last ten pounds or at the very least make what you've got tighter and leaner (going down in sizes without scale loss).
  • MelissaZumbaLuv
    MelissaZumbaLuv Posts: 13 Member
    How do you set those percentages on here?
  • iggymomma
    iggymomma Posts: 6
    Nope, not sad, perfectly normal -- you were very wise to open up your diary and ask for more sets of eyes!

    Best wishes, I know you'll meet your goals!
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    First of all, I think it's great that you are actually reading everyone's responses and taking them into consideration (gets aggravating to read posts where someone asks for help and then argues with everyone) :).

    Secondly, don't weight til you lose the last ten pounds to start lifting. Lifting is awesome!!!! Lifting will help you lose the last ten pounds or at the very least make what you've got tighter and leaner (going down in sizes without scale loss).

    Thank you :) I would only ask a question on here if I was open to everyones opinion.

    I have been told to start lifting now but I still feel very insecure about going to a gym right now. I have been heavier than my current weight and I have been lighter than my current weight. And if I lose 10 more pounds I will be the weight I was when my boyfriend and I first started dating and the last time I was actively going to the gym.

    I think my moves from here are to watch my sodium and fat (been going way over), buy a food scale, buy a heart rate monitor, and reduce the amount of calories I have been taking in (not eat all of my exercise calories back).
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    Well I was simular to you. I would get to about 10 lbs and it would be so difficult to lose weight. II am 46. I have lost almost 20 Lb. Many people told me I was fine at the weight I was and I should not expect to look like I did when I was in my 20's. As of today, I am weighing what I weighed in my 20's 126. A couple things I have done differently then when I dieted before. Watch your Sodium. Keep it under 2500. Sugar grams. Monitor them. Try to stay below 35 g. This is hard I know. Yesterday I went way over. Fat, calories, carbs are easy to stay in range. Carbs really should be 150 and below. Fat 35 g and below. This is so hard but if you do you will break your plateu. Also, as a women 1200 to 1500 cal should be the max regardless of what the program gives you back for exercise credit. Yes you can eat a few more but 1800 to 1900 would start to making you maintain unless you have alot of muscle. My friend is a female body builder and she would not ever recommend eating this many calories daily even with exercise and she has alot of muscle. You could eat that on a high day or cheat day. Yes. Also eat smaller meals/portions for your three main meals and eat 2 to 3 good snacks. It speeds up motabolism. You can find me and I have my menu's listed. You might not like some of my choices but you might get a couple ideas. Good luck.

    Liked your comment! I am 47 am stuck! have lost 40 lbs since last year..have mixed up my exercise, etc. have tried different things w/my food.....still not working. a couple things I know about me though is 1) no eating in the evening, or it will definately show it on scales..... 2) i cannot eat more than about 900 calories/day if I want to lose weight. I have about 4 or 5 lbs more to lose. getting PLENTY of exercise daily.... feel free to check my diary and give me your opinion....THNX! :smile: Gayle
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    PUT THE COOKIE DOWN!!!!! Just kidding. In all seriousness, when that happened to me, I just added 5 more minutes to my cardio. I have never plateued thank God. Not only did my weight keep dropping, but I also increased my strength and endurance. Good luck!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    All the nutritional advice people are giving you seems spot on as far as water sodium fats and the Mc muffins etc.
    The advice I would like to share is BE Patient this is a life style change you will have good times and bad and you will stall and plunge and I think you will find it is at the most illogical times. I have been doing this for 4 years this month and have had times I could go a month or more with out weight Loss but my BF and skelatal muscle %s were changing my clothes were fitting better so my body responded even if the scale didnt or how about you really had a week or more vacations dinner out no real idea of a calorie limit and you lose 5 pounds that week not ever sure why also especially when I started my water weight could flucuate by as much as 5 or 6 pounds.
    I was just in the hospital for a kidney stone and in 3 days of IVs and drips my weight increased 12 pounds all water so dont despair just keep improving what you can and the changes will take place
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    Don't know if this will help any but. I decided to try Herbalife for 30 days, anyways I asked the lady with all the controversy on mfp with eating back calories when you exercise. She told me DO NOT EAT BACK the exercise calories, she said if you have a fat reserve , no need to eat it back. SHE SAID if... you are an athlete with little or no fat you do eat it back when you exercise. Anyways also I uped my calories to 1350 because I felt like I was starving and I switched to GNC lean shake 25. ITS whey protien its beeen less than a week so I don't know about myself.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    How do you set those percentages on here?

    Go under goals from your main page. Then click on change goals. Then click on custom. Then you can change your percentages. Mine are 40% cards, 30% protein, and 30% fat.
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    btw....I am lifting currently as well....