Progress in only a week!

Hi! I started to work out and eat healthy a week ago from today! And I have made some great results, at least I think so! I've lost 6 pounds and my belly fat has decreased by almost half! I have eaten pretty much and worked out a little per day, like riding bike to school (5.5 km) and home everyday! I never though I would see some result so fast and Im really happy!


But do you think this is for real and is it even possible? So its not only water lost or something like that ?


  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Hey! it's true that you can see a change in your stomach! congrats! some of it may very well be water weight, a lot of people will lose more at the beginning and then taper out to regular weight loss. It also depends on if when you first weighed in you were bloated or had a lot of sodium or it was that time of the month or anything that could impact the scale. It's hard to tell but either way 6 lbs is a great accomplishment!

    Make sure that you are eating enough and the weight isn't coming off because you are starving, I read your prof so I know that you have experienced anorexia first hand and you are trying to lose weight the opposite way and get fit, so I'm hoping that means you are eating plenty :) Can't see your diary though so can't offer much help in that department!

    It's great that you bike to school, I am hoping to do that soon :)

    If you really want to look fit you should try out lifting heavy, it will really tighten everything up and will NOT make you look bulky, promise :) If you're interested PM or friend me I'd love to help!
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