Any Older Mom's out there with young kids?

DMH1963 Posts: 17 Member
I am a 49 year old mom of three childern under 10 looking for some encouragement from other moms dealing with the stress of kids, work (at home or away from home) and perimenopause (or menopause as the case may be). Joined MFP last May but let life get away from me. Now that I have one year until I turn 50 with two soon to be first graders and soon to be 4th grader I need to buckle down and get this done. I weighed in at 165.5 this morning with a first goal of 142# and ultimate goal of 128#. Gotta do it this time!!!


  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Well, some people think I'm old. LOL I am 35 and have a 7 yr old, a 2 yr old and an 8 mo old (he was born 13 days before my 35th) in some circles I guess I'm ancient. Haha.

    I have a lot more weight to lose, but I'm currently stuck...trying to change things up so that I can get the loss started again...
    It's extremely frustrating!!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I am about to turn 45 and have two boys aged 6 & 9. Please feel free to add me, I am quite new to this site, but lost 8 stone 4 years ago and have pretty much kept it off ever since but am now keen to get back to my lowest BMI before the summer so am working hard at the diet and exercise.
    Good Luck Jules xx
  • 4Tracylee
    4Tracylee Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 42 with 5 amazing kids ranging from almost 3 to 18....busy as ever. I joined mfp because my bestie recommened it to me. We are doing our first 5k run on May 27th and I am not a runner. Mfp has help me to accomplish so much that I never thought I could do. It keeps me accountable for my eating habits and has helped me get to where I want to be.
    You CAN do this,for yourself first and your family...feel free to add me.
  • karavanderkooy
    karavanderkooy Posts: 31 Member
    I am 40 with a 5 year old! Feel free to add me to your journey!
  • Amy_Bailes
    Amy_Bailes Posts: 15 Member
    I'll be 40 with a soon-to-turn-3 2 year old. I can't believe how much my energy level has gone down since I had my first child 15 years ago.
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    I am 42 and have twin boys also starting school at the end of this year.

    It is hard to find time for yourself but we can do it.

    Feel free to add me.
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    You can do this. One day at a time. One pound at a time. Wishing you well and well deserved naps as needed! :)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Good morning! I'm going to be 44 on Saturday and have an 11 and an 8 year old. I work full time and have lots of other life stuff. Peri symptoms have been kicking in BIG TIME. My encouragement to you is that you CAN! May not be easy, but it WILL be worth it. Best way to start is to get yourself on a "doable" schedule to get to the store to stock the right foods and to try to fit that exercise in a few days a week. I have to get up at 5:30am most days to do that, but I never regret my morning workout. Best of luck to you!!
  • TLMonroe
    TLMonroe Posts: 32 Member

    I'll be 41 this summer and I have two busy girls! My oldest is 5 and the little one is 3. I joined MFP to be able to keep up with them! Add me if you want!
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    Well I am 38 with twins that are 3 1/2. Not sure if that counts as older mom, but when I had them they called me advanced maternal age. Not very nice I say. I work full time outside of the house so very busy. Not sure how to get it all done but I am morbidly obese and need to change my ways so I can be a living example of a healthy life. I need to do this for my children.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Turning 48 next month-- mother of 9-- yes, all one marriage-- nope, no twins-- we do have a TV, and we know what causes it. :wink:

    Ages 4-21
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    ME! I was 35 when my one and only was born -- five years later we're 40 and 5.

    In the mom's group I frequent, I still gasp when I realize that nearly all the other ladies are a solid 10-15 years younger than me! I just can't imagine being 25 with kids! LOL (I know I'm the odd one out, but I was SOOOO not ready for kids in my 20's!)
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    I have a 15 year old plus 3 older children that no longer live at home and I have have 5 grandchildren, under 6 years of age and I am 42.
  • teapot35
    teapot35 Posts: 28
    Hi! 38 year old mom of 6,4 and 1 year olds. What happened? Time used to move so slowly!!!

  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member

    I am 49, and turning 50 this year too. I have a daughter 11, and a son 13. So I feel your pain...LOL Altogether I have six kids, but of course the others are grown and gone. I started losing weight 3yrs ago, SW 258, and got down to 209, and then just didn't work on it anymore. I started putting it back on this past winter, went back up to 218, and then found this website, and I love it here. I'm down to 206.2, and doing 30DS. I'm hoping to be in onederland by Memorial Day. You can add me if you want. I'm good at motivating, and telling it like it is if we get complacent...LOL
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    I am 43 and have 3 kids ages 17, 11, and 5. Yep, pretty spread apart and the last one was an oops...but is the joy of my life right now. At times I feel old but I honestly think they are truly keeping me young. I work full-time and have a hard time managing schedules and I feel like a total scatterbrain at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. My oldest is graduating high school this year and off to college in the Fall so I am thinking things might get a little bit more managable then! Feel free to add me!
  • meelzebub
    meelzebub Posts: 2
    Well, I'm 40 with an about to turn 6 year old son, so definitely no spring chicken! I've only just joined, too, so happy to find fellow travellers on the journey :)

    m x
  • TishaCox
    TishaCox Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a 35 y/o Mom(36 in August)of a 2 year old very active son! Feel free to add me!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I am 51 yrs old with a 6 yr old daughter in 1st grade. Also have a 16yr old daughter and 23 yr old son (<---- he is in picture with me).

    I've lost 40 pounds altogether, but am totally and completely stuck at my current weight. Not where I want to be either, I still need to lose 15-20 lbs...I am lifting heavy, doing cardio 3x a week and trying not to get discouraged.

    Feel free to add me.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I am 53 and the mother of a 17 year old. I was in the hospital the morning of my 36th Birthday and she waited 2-1/2 days. I was happy about that since she would have hated to have the same birthday. It's good because now the focus is always on her birthday and not how old I am getting. I went into menopause at 42, stopped having periods but didn't suffer all the side effects. Just less sleep for lots of reasons. I am glad I waited, I don't think I would have been a good mom in my 20's, I was still very immature and scared of life. But now, it's cool, we do a lot together and are very close even though she is a teenager. She will be graduating high school in 2 weeks and will be going to college. Wow, that does make me feel old!!
    Over the course of the last 4 years I have lost 40 pounds but with 60 still to go I can't seem to budge off the 198-203 range. The minute I get below 200 some switch takes place and I eat my way back to over 200. This time I am determined to see it through. I do have a trainer 2x's a week and maybe it's my age, but the day after I am totally wiped out but I love the progress I have made.