5'3" with 65 lbs to lose, anyone want to join me?

I am looking for support, maybe start a group. I am a full time nurse, wife, mother of 3. I find it hard to stay motivated to lose weight. I always start strong but fall off in a few days. It is really hard to fight the feeling that it is just impossible to lose weight. However, the success stories on here help a lot!

I recently bought a treadmill and this has helped. I keep a running total of how many miles I have put on it.

My new goal is to stay off of the scale. It just depresses me and then I figure, why work so hard if it doesn't go down anyway. So.,.... starting today I am measuring my success by staying with in my calorie goals and by how often I work out.

Join me so we can keep eachother motivated!


  • Aquafly
    Aquafly Posts: 12
    I'll join you. I'm a mom of 2. I'm 43. I'm 5' 5" and have to lose 63 pounds. I started off great at the beginning of the year. I had a hysterectomy at the end of February. I started eating junk again and gained back 4 of the 14 pounds I'd lost. I just crawled back on the wagon yesterday.

    It's so hard. I'm embarrassed of myself, but I can't seem to keep motivated to change the way I look.

    I'm going out to walk now. Not sure how far I'll make it since I'm so out of shape, but I"m trying.

    If you make a group, please let me know.

    Let me know how you're doing today. :)
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    I am looking for support, maybe start a group. I am a full time nurse, wife, mother of 3. I find it hard to stay motivated to lose weight. I always start strong but fall off in a few days. It is really hard to fight the feeling that it is just impossible to lose weight. However, the success stories on here help a lot!

    I recently bought a treadmill and this has helped. I keep a running total of how many miles I have put on it.

    My new goal is to stay off of the scale. It just depresses me and then I figure, why work so hard if it doesn't go down anyway. So.,.... starting today I am measuring my success by staying with in my calorie goals and by how often I work out.

    Join me so we can keep eachother motivated!

    Please feel free to add me. I have had a tough time of it lately too. I am 40- mom of two- and have 41 pounds to lose. Let's keep each other motivated!