Falling off the wagon

11 pounds down. Clothes getting loose which means shopping :-). Parent being proud of me for losing weight. Feeling better about myself. BUT it was ice cream and mozzarella sticks Tuesday, candy yesterday, and McDonalds this morning. I seem to have lost something this week. Inspiration? Motivation? Am I bored? I told myself this is the time I WILL stick with it...not gonna yo yo back up. But it seems here I go again.....


  • kmel2479
    kmel2479 Posts: 102 Member
    I hear ya. I'm going through the same exact thing right now. I have reached a sort of comfort level I think. I have been going to the gym still and I'm just hoping that this will pass and I will get my head back in it again. The results have been amazing! I think we all have off weeks... Add me though because we seem very similar and maybe we can help eachother when we are feeling "weak".
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    Well with that kind of attitude you're just setting yourself up for failure, "here I go again".

    No, tomorrow is a new day. Just because you had a bad couple of days doesn't mean your healthy eating plan gets tossed out of the window. If you're in it for the long run you'll have these kinds of days, then you'll realize what you are eating and get back on track.
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
    You can't change what you have already done...

    Try to savor those trigger foods in smaller portions and with less frequency. And STAY AWAY FROM FAST FOOD. :) You can do it, and don't beat yourself up for sliding back a bit... just (as you have) recognize when it seems to becoming poor habits with high frequency.

    You can do it.. think about how awesome it has been to see those pounds fall off.. all that hard work... don't stop now!!