I am new and in need of support to stay on track!

Hi EV1!
My name is Candi, I am married to Bill, my sole mate!, have 2 kids ~ 11 yr old Pacey (my son) and 9 yr old Venice (my daughter) and I am 37 years old. I also have 1 dog, Daisy, 1 Rabbit~ Lilly, 11 chickens, and 2~ two month old nigerian dwarf goats named Abi & Chewy! I enjoy reading, I am a reality show junky, and I enjoy pilates best for exercise. I do live close to the beach, so walking is nice too! I have resently suffered a tramatic loss and as a result put on 15 pounds. I already had 25 to lose. Now, I would like to lose 40 pounds in six months. I have been trying unsuccesfully for the past 6 weeks, to lose and the scale wont budge! I really need some support to get over the first hurdle. I have lost weight before, after the birth of my 2 kids, but for some reason this time it is so much harder! I think depression has a lot to do with it, and I really want to be healthy and happy. I want my clothes to fit again, being heavier adds to my depression, I don't want to go out. I am embaressed with how awful I look. I just want to feel better, and not hide from the world. I need some friends to offer great support, please add me as friends and help me accomplish my first hurdle. I want to lose 5 pounds by May 20th. That give me 10 days, so I will need to lose a half a pound a day. I look forward to making new friends! :smile: